Back to Beauxbatons

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Third Person POV

Summer came too quickly to an end, and soon it was time for Jada to go back to Beauxbatons. 

The legacy of magic bought all of her school supplies in the French version of Diagon Alley when she got the school supplies list.

Jada was very excited to go back to Beauxbaton's again.


"Ready for year two?" Nicholas asked Jada.

"Yup." Jada said, nodding to her father.

"Write to us." Perenelle smiled to her daughter.

"I will mom." Jada said, hugging her mother.

"There's the carriage." Nicholas said. "Let's go Perenelle."

Perenelle and Nicholas embraced Jada one more time, before using a portkey to get back to Flamel Chateau.

The carriage landed and the driver hopped off and bowed to Jada. "Vous pouvez entrer mademoiselle." the driver said "je m'occupe de tes bagages."

Translate: You can get in miss, I'll take care of your luggage.

Jada smiled and nodded to the carriage driver. The exact same words he had said to her last year. "Très bien."

Translate: Very well

Jada climbed into the carriage as the driver began to stop away her trunk.

"Jada! C'est bon de te revoir! Félicitations pour être une deuxième année!" Fleur cheered when Jada entered the carriage.

Translation: Jada! It's good to see you again! Congratulations on being a second year

"Content de te voir à Fleur. Et toi aussi Asher." the child of fire smiled to her friends before taking a seat again. The carriage then took off, flying back into the sky.

Translation: Glad to see you in Fleur. And you too Asher

"Bonjour Jada. Ravi de vous revoir, désolé d'avoir dû quitter le camp si brusquement. Ma mère est tombée malade et j'ai dû être là avec elle." Asher said.

Translation: Hello Jada. Good to see you again, sorry I had to leave Camp so abruptly. My mother got ill and I had to be there with her.

"Tu as fait ce qui était juste Asher. Inutile de s'excuser. Ta mère va mieux?" the legacy of wine & madness said firmly to the legacy of night.

Translation: You did what was right Asher. No need to apologize. Is your mother better?

The son of thieves was about to speak but the carriage hit a batch of air before straightening out again.

"Oui elle va bien. Un peu faible mais elle deviendra plus forte selon les guérisseurs." Asher said. Fleur had been drawn into a conversation with a girl her age.

Translation: Yes she is fine. A little weak but it will become stronger according to the healers.

"Bon. Dites-lui qu'elle peut écrire à mes parents si elle a besoin de potions de guérison." the legacy of love said.

Translation: Good. Tell her she can write to my parents if she needs healing potions

"Je vais le lui dire. Assez triste, avez-vous entendu parler de ce nouveau chercheur Viktor Krum?" Asher said.

Translation: I will tell her that. Enough sad talk, did you hear about that new seeker Viktor Krum?

"J'ai entendu parler de lui ! Je pense qu'il sera l'un des plus grands chercheurs du monde ! Avec lui dans l'équipe bulgare, ils se qualifieront sûrement pour la Coupe du monde dans deux ans." the legacy of the moon said.

Translation: I did hear about him! I think he will be one of the greatest seekers in the world! With him in the Bulgarian team, they will surely make it to the World Cup in two years.


Asher, Jada, and Fleur went to their usual table in the great hall. Madam Maxine gave her usual speech, and the feast happened.

Jada was very interested in what her second year would bring her.

That is today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed it.

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