The Chamber Incident

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Third Person POV

Jada and Asher befriend Luna Lovegood, a new first year student. Luna was a very interesting person and a powerful seer.

It also turned out the voices in her head were invisible and telepathic creatures, explaining her spaced out look.

Madam Maxine had her taught by some of the best Legilimens in France to help her block out the voices unless she wanted to hear them.

Luan could also speak to any creature, innately knowing their language even if the creature didn't have a language. This was Lovegood family magic.

Luna also was a legacy of Apollo and Selene. She was invited to Flamel Chateau for Christmas, where she got along with Perenelle wonderfully.

So Jada's second year was going along well.


Ginny Weasley POV

It was Ginny Weasley very first year at Hogwarts and she was oh so very excited!

She had been sorted into Gryffindor with her brothers like a perfect Weasley, and her wand was much better than Ron's(his had belonged to their great grandfather and had started to splinter over the summer), and she had befriended Romilda Vane who was in her dorm room.

She had been disappointed when she learned that Luna was going to Hogwarts but she was determined to borrow her brother Percy's owl Hermes ash try writing to her, wherever she was.

Luna's father refused to tell her where Luna was.

Speaking of writing, she had this wonderful diary that wrote back to her! It was her personal secret of course.

She didn't want her brothers discovering Tom and everything she had told him all about Alyssa Potter and Gilderoy Lockheart. She had read all of the Alyssa Potter books as well!

OOOOOHHH Lockheart! He was so handsome and clever and brave and smart! Of course all of his books where needed for DADA this year and expensive, but they were being taught by him personally!

It was so exciting and wonderful!

She just wished that Alyssa Potter was here at Hogwarts though.

Third Person POV

What had started as a promising year had quickly turned sour.

To start, the DADA professor was a complete and 100% idiot.

At the beginning of the year, Lockheart still had hold-out fans who had quite given in and admitted his complete stupidity but then he started the dueling club.

It had gotten a fait amount of students from nearly all years form all four houses. But the Slytherin's where only there because Professor Snape was the 'assistant teacher'.

Lockheart had begun the first meeting with a demonstration between him and Snape.

It lasted two seconds because Lockheart founded himself introduced to the wall face first.

There was a smattering applause from the Slytherin's and Ravenclaw's, half of the Hufflepuffs, and a third of the Gryffindors.

Lockheart attempted to cover it up with his best 'I meant to do that' grin.

Next, he called up Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley to duel in front of the other club members.

It was supposed to be expelliarmus and protego only, neither of which Lockheart had actually taught his students but of course Draco had to make things complicated by conjuring a snake.

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