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"Oh yes!! Hello beauties and gentle-beauties to the greatest announcement in the history of the underground, brought to you by yours truly!" Mettaton announced in his metallic voice that was somehow interesting to people, although Chara had no idea why. Robots were just terrifying, if you asked them. Either way, there were cries of excitement from the crowd that had gathered in the courtyard. It was practically the entire underground, although Chara and Asriel could name a few that didn't seem to be there.

"Yes, that's right! We all heard it, we all felt it! The prince of the underground destroyed the barrier! And he didn't even give me front row seats!" The comment was followed by a mechanical laughter, and cries among the crowd for Asriel to come speak. He was in his flowerpot in Chara's hands in the background with Frisk, Sam, and his parents. Although Father would have liked to give this speech himself, Mettaton had a way of bringing excitement to the underground. It would be nice to get everyone pumped up before leaving.

"But with our great victory there was also a great sacrifice!" He announced, and the crowd gasped as Chara braced for what they knew was coming, "Thanks to the incompetence of nobodies favorite royal, the bitter little Chara, our prince has become a flower!"

Chara was ready to set this stupid robot on fire. And yet.. It was true. At least, the part where they weren't anybodies favorite and the fact that practically nobody in the underground liked them. Asriel looked up from his flowerpot to see Chara wiping away at their eyes, and he sighed. Frisk pulled Chara closer, knowing that as much as they pretended they didn't care, they cared very deeply.

"But worry not! I, your gracious host, will give our prince a new body! One worthy of his title and his deeds!" Mettaton boasted, although everyone behind the scenes knew full well that he couldn't live up to this claim. Alphys would be the one building that body, and Chara would be the one putting his soul into it. The crowd was certainly pleased by this, although mixed with all the cries of excitement there were shouts and insults aimed towards Chara. All their fault.

"Are we all excited? Are you ready to be free, darlings?" Mettatons robotic voice echoed throughout the courtyard, there were cries and shouts of yes. Somehow more insults and slander was thrown in towards Chara, but they weren't surprised. "Then I'm going to turn this over to our King, our hope!"

Father looked down at Chara apologetically, and Mother did not look happy at all. Chara was pretty sure she didn't like that robot, either. Like it or not, Mettaton rolled from the spotlight, or at least over a tad to share a small portion of it, for the King to come in and explain his plan for moving out from the underground and to the surface. Whatever the plan was, it was likely to be a slower moving one. That's just how Father worked.

"It's just a crowd.. Don't think about the things they said, it isn't worth it." Frisk whispered into Chara's ear, able to feel just how much the words were echoing in their head. Chara couldn't hear, the words were getting louder and louder. They could feel something bubbling in their chest again. Their ears began to ring, and they knew they had to get out before something happened.

In a quick movement, Chara handed Frisk Asriel's flowerpot and bolted for the exit. They had moved so fast that no one had even noticed, and Frisk turned to follow. A gentle touch on the shoulder stopped them.

"I think Chara needs some alone time, my child." Mother whispered gently, "Worry not, though. If something bad is going to happen, you will know. You can feel it."

Chara wasn't really sure where they were going, but it didn't matter to them. They were so fast now, and the entire world was a blur beside them. They left the castle, the core, the resort and hotlands in almost a second to find peace hiding among the waterfall. It was always so peaceful here, and now that no one was here.. It would be a lovely place to calm down.

Or not, as Chara realized, collapsing in a pathetic heap next to the falls as the fit of madness overtook them. Their eyes faded to the bubbling darkness, their scars deepened and bled shadow as their body twitched and trembled. It was the same visions, the same every single time. Except for this time. This time, they saw straight through the eyes of the one acting out the deeds.. This time, they were the one holding the knife. Crimson and black poured in around them, and they tried to fight it. They screamed out for help, crying and begging as the red of their eyes burst through the tar of their body. Everything the crowd had said began to echo around them, but it soon became more than that.

Voices that Chara didn't recognize began to chime in, thoughts that no one had yet to say. Monster, cruel, evil.. Twisted.. Pathetic. Chara curled up in a ball, screaming for it to stop. The crimson poured in around them, slowly drowning out everything they hoped to say. The world was falling apart around them, shaking and bursting with things that would haunt Chara for the rest of their life.. And the worst part of it? Some of these things had already come to pass. It wasn't before long that Chara began to believe the things that they heard again, and their tears continued to pour down, thick with hot tar and sticky crimson.

"Hello...? Are.. Are you.. Are you okay...?" An unfamiliar voice cut through the terror, and Chara shot up, frantically turning about while crawling backwards. They couldn't see very well, they didn't know what was out there.

"Oh.... I didn't meant to frighten you..." The voice said, shaken up and nervous. Chara began to focus firmly on the unfamiliar voice, wiping away at their face with their sleeves. A few moments later, with a little mental strength from Frisk and a bit of rambling from this stranger, Chara was able to see and think again.

"Sorry, sorry.." Chara muttered, sitting up and looking towards the ghost that was floating above them, "My name is Chara... Why aren't you at the thing?"

"Oh, that... Well... I was watching it on my TV.... But then I heard someone crying, so... I thought you might need help... If you don't, I'll go..." The ghost sighed, saying in a long, drawn out tone. It wasn't exactly the most interesting voice to listen to, but it was rather calming in its monotone nature.

"So.. Not running off when you found out who I was? That's new.." Chara sighed, used to most monsters in the underground not wanting to associate with them. "What's your name?"

"My name..? Oh... My name is Napstablook.."

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