Moved In

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Of course, it wasn't like anyone was going to listen to Chara's warning, and they didn't. After the rest of the group had caught up, they scouted the town out and declared it to be safe. Although they still needed to get reacquainted with the human's, Mom and Dad were desperate to let their people back into the light of the sun, and so they sent Undyne to bring them from the caves. There was so much happiness and excitement built up in everyone, and when all of the kingdom finally stepped into the light of the sunrise, it exploded into something spectacular. They followed their hero, their king and queen and the two silly skeletons into the town, children running around through the streets and playing in the light of the sun. Other stared in awe, still not quite able to comprehend what was happening. It was more than just a special day, it was a day that would be celebrated for the rest of monster history. Everyone has happy, everyone except Chara and Frisk...

Chara had picked a small, old house that seemed like it had been left abandoned for longer than the town itself had been, and took Frisk there. They set them down on an old bed, and sat down next to them. Frisk was shaking, and trembling. They were muttering something, as if trying to convince themselves and Chara that they were okay, and that everything was fine. Although Chara wouldn't dare to intrude or poke about, they wanted to know what was going on with Frisk. Although they shared an unbreakable connection, these memories were blocked off to Chara, as if a door stood between them. If they tried hard enough, Chara could get a glimpse of some of the images that were flashing through Frisk's mind. None of them were very good.

The biggest thing they saw was blood drained dry, and ashes blowing to the wind. Frisk was convinced that these memories were their own, but something in Chara's heart told them that this might not be true. But Frisk believed it, and right now, there was nothing Chara could do to change that, they could only comfort them. And that's what they did. Chara pulled Frisk into their lap and held them tight, stroking their hair and gently squeezing their shoulder.

"No matter what happened here, you know that my opinion on you isn't going to change, right?" Chara whispered softly, and Frisk nodded. After planting a gentle kiss on Frisk's forehead, they continued, "Good. Now.. The sun is rising, and I think we're both gonna be pretty tired soon. You should head to sleep, alright? I'm gonna go check in with king Dad, I'll be right back. But first..."

"First what..?" Frisk asked groggily, blinking their eyes open to see Chara reaching into their pocket and taking their own chocolate bar. With a laugh of success, Chara put Frisk down, jumped up and ran to the corner. "Chara, no~~~"

"Chara, yes!!" Chara declared, unwrapping the bar and shoving the entire thing into their mouth, devouring it in a single bite. They seemed smug and satisfied with themselves, and Frisk couldn't help but laugh.

"Awh.. Fine. Just come back soon, okay?" Frisk wiped away the tears from their eyes and looked up towards Chara.

"Of course, cutie." Chara replied with a casual grin, and headed out the door. That's when they started internally screaming and almost fell over.

Some time later, that night

Everyone had settled in pretty comfortably, and Mom and Dad decided that they would go into the big city to talk to whoever was in charge tomorrow morning. It had been a long day of packing and moving, and everyone was pretty tired at this point. Except Sam, Chara, and Frisk. They were just reaching their version of morning as the sun was setting, now being filled the energy and motivation to start doing things. Although Sam never had the desire to do anything, even when they had the energy to do it. And so, instead of making herself useful, she walked through the night-time streets and thought about everything that had happened. What kind of beast was inside of them, now? Although she hid it well, her LV had hit 20 and had been there for quite a while. What did that make her?

"Hey!! Hey, you!" A voice shouted out. It wasn't a voice of any of the monsters, that Sam knew, and it was completely unfamiliar to her. "What are you doing here? Don't you know this place is haunted??"

"Oh, I know alright." Sam shrugged, grinning to herself. She was the reason this place was empty in the first place.. When she had first gotten her taste for blood, this town was the first place she had laid claim to. "Just wanted to see it all for myself, you know?"

"That's nuts!! What if it comes back..?" The person ran up to Sam, and she could see now that it was just a little kid. Yet, if this kid was so adamantly against being here...

"So why are you here?" Sam asked with a smirk, turning and looking down at the kid. Must have been eight or nine years old.. And alone? Sam had to wonder why.

"That's.. Well.." The kid stuttered, "I just heard that.. That monsters were coming back, and everyone was so confused about it. I thought I could come and see and.. Show everyone there isn't anything to be scared of!"

"Well aren't you brave, kiddo?" Sam laughed, patting the kids head, "Yeah. Their back, and in all honesty, they've become a bunch of softies. The only thing you have to fear is bad cooking skills and terrible puns."

That seemed to brighten the kid right up, "See!! I told everyone, there isn't anything to be afraid of!! I'm going to go tell the Baron!!" And with that, the kid ran off.
Sam smiled to herself. This was going to be interesting.

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