Days To Remember

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"Is Chara going to be okay?" Frisk asked shakenly, looking down at Chara's trembling body. The buttercups had all but gone away, and the dark oozing tar was now little more than a horrific memory. But to Frisk, that memory was more than just horrific.. All of this pain and panic in the family was their fault. This was everything that they had wanted to avoid but they just brought it down upon more innocent lives.

"Yes, I believe so my dear.. Chara has always been the type of child to be frequented by illness, but I have no idea what this could be.." Toriel half answered and half murmured, deep in thought. It was clear to Frisk that this break out had never happened before they were there, only strengthening their resolve that it was in fact their fault.

"Alright, good.. Good." Frisk muttered, hardly expecting a reply to something that was hardly meant to be heard, "I need to go take a walk for a second, I'll be back."

"Of course, just.. Stay safe." Toriel replied solemly, still sitting next to the sofa where Chara was laying. Frisk simply nodded in reply before taking their love of the situation, stepping outside into the relatively chilly air. They didn't exactly know where they were planning to go, but sometimes its better to go forth without a plan.

But to say they didn't have a plan would be a lie; a lie no one deserves to hear. No, this is something they had thought of before; something they've done before and something that forced them into the situation they were in now.

They let the memory fill their mind; they let it consume them entirely..

~~~Not so long ago~~~

Everyone knows the legend, right? Any traveler that climbs Mt.Ebott disappear. Who didn't know? Yet.. Frisk had always wondered why. What up there caused people to just vanish without a trace? Maybe tonight was the night to find out. Maybe it was time to finally disappear.. Vanish without a trace, the way they had always wanted to. Frisk held the thoughts close as they tightened the bandage on their arm, pulling down their sweater and dropping the small blade, but there was no blood. They were ready. All the nights alone, days spent looking on at the rest of the world in silence. It'd finally be over. Frisk wiped away the tears that began to form, and slipped off into the shadows and the cold of night.

The ground was damp and soft pressed against their shoes, and the slight howl of wind that slid down the mountain brought the chill from up high. Frisk pulled their sweater in closer as they kept walking towards the forest that surrounded the mountain. All throughout their childhood they would play here alone, making tiny forts against the trees, climbing up the branches to look out for anyone who might come. But nobody came. No one ever wanted to share in their adventures, not a soul was interested in them, because they just seemed like they had nothing to offer. At one point Frisk thought they had their own special world to offer, but now.. Now they weren't so sure. They were never enough for anyone, not even themselves. Never themselves. They kept walking, clutching their wounded arm with their other hand, wincing in the pain. The thought would go away soon and their head would be clear. Their head had to be clear, because in the distance they saw the looming entrance of a cave embedded in the side of the mountain-face. Maybe this is where they all vanished to, maybe they didn't even climb to the top of the mountain. So picking up a small broken branch, Frisk began to hike up the edge of the mountain along a make-shift trail.

Hearing the crinkling of leaves and feeling the soft glow of the moonlight against their skin, they were filled with the determination to make it to the cave, forgetting why they were really there. What the true purpose of climbing really was. They hiked up until they reached a small cliff face that appeared to lead to the ledge the cave called home. Tossing the stick up, Frisk pressed their hand against the stone of the cliff face and began to climb. It was nothing different than a tree, they told themselves, just a little more stoned. Slowly but surely, with the icy wind blowing through their hair, they made their way closer and closer to the ledge. Eventually they found themselves holding on to the ledge and pulling themselves up and on to it. With a deep breath and a sigh, they stood and looked around. The view, although it wasn't truly that high up, was still something to marvel at. The pines and oaks of the forest stood tall, by they stood taller, looking over to gaze at the field and their home town. The way the moonlight sparkled, the way the shadows danced along through the forest.. It was beautiful, but the journey didn't end here. Frisk turned to face the cave, and they slowly stepped into the darkness.

The only lighting came from the moon outside, and a few strange plants that dangled from the ceiling. Frisk could tell that the cave itself was enormous, but could hardly see any of it. The ground was laced with vines and stone rubble, and as Frisk ventured deeper, they made sure not to trip. Slowly, coming into vision was an enormous, gapping abyss of a hole in the earth, a hole that they couldn't see the end to. Well.. this would be it. They turned around and stepped back, looking out of the caves entrance to gaze at the moonlight, to see the place they had once called home. All that was over, though. They took in a deep breath.

Their own life never mattered to them, and now that it had to be lived by leeching off the lives of others, destroying what they had..

It was time..

So what if they didn't like these people; none of them deserved the fate that would be brought upon them.

Time to finally disappear..

They were just doing what was right.

Frisk took in a breath, shut their eyes and clenched their fist in anticipation. They leaned back. it was time. They felt gravity tugging at them, their hair sliding back.

Time to get something right..

They gave a slight push against the ledge with their boot.

They let darkness overtake them, and they fell.


Frisk shuddered and winced at the vivid memory of falling, the memory of darkness consuming them. Perhaps falling wasn't the best way to go about this, but then, what was? Could somebody like them even die, was there some unnatural law that prevented them from carrying out this act on their own?

Then Frisk had an idea, remembering the broken branches they had seen when they had first arrived.

This time.. This time, they would get it right. There will be no mistakes.

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