Ashes, Ashes

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Chara, Frisk and Darcy found themselves in a run down neighborhood, standing in front of what used to be some sort of building. Emphasis on used to be, as now it was nothing more a pile of ash, charred wood and twisted metal frames that seemed to come from some sort of swing set. It was hard to tell now, everything was grayed over and crusted with decay or ash. Darcy assured that this place would spark some sort of curiosity, but the only thing Chara wanted to know is why they were here.

"This used to be an orphanage, at its prime about twenty years ago. It's been ash for about eleven." Darcy explained, making gestures with his hands as he spoke, "It was called Charlotte's, and it was where most of the orphans or runaways ended up. Even to this day, no one is really sure why it burnt down, but I have a few ideas to toss around."

"I don't mean to be blunt, Baron, but why take us here?" Chara lifted an eyebrow, their interest peaked by the name of the used to be building. Charlotte's Orphanage. It was the same building they had seen in their nightmares, the same building that.. The same building that the child, Cherice, burnt down.

"Darcy works just fine, please." Darcy sighed, gesturing to Frisk before they continued to speak, "Thirteen years ago, the newly crowned king and his wife came here to adopt a child. This was just after the decision was made to lock the monsters underground.. And there was already unrest in the people. If magic is what made monster's what they were, then what separated the sorcerers from the monsters? Anyway.. The kid was named Frisk."

Frisk didn't seem at all surprised, and honestly.. Chara wasn't either. There was next to no resemblance between Sam and Frisk, especially accenting the fact that Sam was incredibly pale and Frisk's skin was toned, with an olive-like complexion. Chara made a waving motion with their hand, urging Darcy to continue his story.

"Yes, yes.. That one is rather obvious. Anyway.. Uh, what was I saying?" Darcy stood puzzled for a few seconds and then snapped his fingers, "Right! Humanity drew the line at magic. Those born with the gift of magic, those with crimson eyes, were seen as creatures to be feared.. And were killed. Now, mind you, the king was having none of this.. But the revolution had already begun. Sam's mother took Frisk and fled, and the king was slain. I was put into power after settling the revolution and the differences between all the groups, yadda yadda yadda. None of that is too important!"

"I take it we're here for more than a lesson on my history..?" Frisk asked hopefully, wanting to get something more out of this than stories of the early years of their life, although they had no problems with that.

"You could say that.." Darcy said with a smirk, and continued his story, "Anyway.. Frisk arrived several days after another child, a child that they had grown incredibly fond of. They were only tiny at the time, but they were incredibly close till the day Frisk was adopted. Now, here's where it gets interesting. Several days after Frisk left their little friend, strange things began to occur within the confounds of this orphanage. Dismembered bodies of rats, burns and scorches on the drywall and carpet. Random things would fall and break for no apparent reason, practically a regular old haunting. Except it wasn't. Do you have any ideas?"

"The child, the kid that was left behind at the orphanage.." Chara slowly spoke up, avoiding eye contact with Darcy, "They had magic.. And they were upset that someone had taken away their only friend. After that, they must have been secluded or something and.. And an upset child with that amount of power is a recipe for disaster.."

"And it was, but not until two years later." Darcy looked at Chara with a small amount of concern, but made no comment on it, only continuing his little story, "See, these reports are the most disturbing. In the basement of the building, a small room was found with the door hinges melted off and the door gone entirely. Inside was nothing but markings burnt straight into the wall and floor, meaningless words and drawings. The nursing staff here locked that child away in the basement for a year and a half, and their strange events stopped happening. The child? Their name was Cherice, and their body was never found at the scene or anywhere, not in eleven years. Vanished, without a single trace."

"Darcy, sir.. I'm confused. Why are you telling us this?" Frisk asked, pulling Chara close when they noticed the distraught in their eyes. Even if they were wearing the contacts, it was very clear that something was burning within them. Was it really..?

"It's a lesson, Frisk. A lesson of something you should never, ever do." Darcy explained, making a gesture to the building once again, "Never take a problem and lock it away to be forgotten. It often ends in it turning into something much larger and much, much darker. I think you both know what to take away from this, yes?"

Frisk and Chara both nodded. It was clear what Darcy was trying to get across, even if he wasn't being blunt about it. How much he really knew was beyond the both of them, but he knew that there was a problem, and he knew that Frisk knew what had to be done to solve it. The extremist groups that were openly against monsters and Frisk know must have been the same group of people who had started the revolution years ago, and the foundation of this society was still shaky. Frisk.. Didn't know the solution to this problem, but for some reason Darcy thought they did.

Or maybe they thought Chara knew. Maybe Chara was the one who knew how to handle this problem, because Frisk had no idea.

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