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At this point in time, I wasn't really sure if I understood what was happening. This.. Interaction between Chara and Frisk, it was something I had never seen before. At least, as far as humans were concerned. I've been trapped between worlds and time for as long as I can remember, and I've seen it all, everything that has ever been. If there's anything that I've learned, is that the only thing about a human you can trust is their self interest. These two have been.. Different. See, after Chara destroyed the guardian for me, the remnants of my soul were tethered to Chara's, as well as Sam's. It was going to take work, but I would soon be free. However, that is a story for another time.

Back on topic. I had been tethered down to a living soul, and I began to share its emotion and feeling.. Sort of. See, for a while, the human Chara had taken after the remnants of my own, becoming cold and distant. They began to hear things, see things and understand everything that I did. It was like that for a while, until my host met Frisk. Things started to change, Chara' determination soon overpowered the broken and scattered pieces of my own, and their soul began to feel. So did mine. It was strange, really. Even now, I'm not sure I understand. There was a connection between the two that I had seen in every timeline, even my own, and when the two souls bonded, that feeling grew even stronger.

I had never seen or felt anything like it, it was like some sort of magic. There was devotion and love, so strong that they were able to break the barrier. It was between humans, too. The most cruel, vile species I had ever seen.. And they were capable of this. I just wasn't capable of understanding how this had come to be. Everything I had ever experienced from humanity pointed a whole different direction, it showed me that humanity was the real evil of this world. The thought had crossed my mind, at one point, that maybe humans were different in this world, compared to my own. I knew that wasn't right. No matter what timeline, everyone seems to be all around the same. Except for Frisk. Frisk was always different. My Frisk was cruel and twisted, others were loving and kind.. Some just didn't care.

Right, right.. The story. Back to that. Anyway, the night of their second date was going to be the first time Chara and Frisk had ever set eyes on me. Sam had already met me before, alone in the street at night. Of course, I wasn't really real. I still don't have my own body, and my soul is still stuck in pieces between three others. It gets a little cramped in my head, but what are you gonna do?

As for the date itself.. It was interesting to watch, for a while, but it started to make me sick just by watching and.. Feeling. I pulled a few.. Tricks, if you'll allow me to show.. As if I needed your permission, I'm the narrator of this story and you get to see it anyway. So sit tight. Or don't. I don't care.


Frisk looked around the room nervously. Partly because it was a fancy place, and they were on a fancy date with Chara, but everyone there.. Knew who Frisk was. All of them. They had even been greeted at the door with the pleasantry your grace. People were looking at them, scoffing, joking.. Frisk could hear them saying things, how they were a traitor, how they should be killed the way their father was.. How they were just fucking the heir to the underground for monster's loyalty. Chara couldn't hear any of it though, and Frisk didn't understand how. They had the same sense of hearing, right?

"Frisk.. Frisk! Dessert is here." Chara laughed, reaching for their hand. Frisk jumped up, and soon realized it was only Chara and the waitress. "Is everything okay, Frisk? I can ask the waiter to bring boxes for our cake and we can have it at home."

"Alright, yeah, of course." Frisk sighed, rubbing their arm and looking around. Maybe it wasn't safe, but they had already eaten food so.. Maybe it didn't matter. They figured, maybe some cake in the quiet of home would be nice. Well, quiet was a long stretch. Chara and Asriel got pretty into their games, sometimes. Especially league.

Chara tapped the waiter on the shoulder, and asked politely for two small take out boxes. The waiter left, and soon returned. Chara had somehow managed to foot the bill, although Frisk wasn't really sure how, considering all they did was play games and do house chores. They decided to ask about that later, remembering some quote about gifts and horses and sticking your face in a horse's mouth. Or.. Something along those lines. They had left not long after with the boxes and into the night lights of the city.

They held hands as they walked, but Frisk was still antsy and nervous among the human city at night. They were looking around, constantly making sure that no one was following them.. But this wasn't new, every walk home was like this. Until, out of the corner of their eye.. Frisk spotted a child just outside of an alley.. It gestured for them to follow, and ran in.

"Chara, did you see that! There was.. There was a small kid, they looked hurt.. We have to go find them!" Frisk exclaimed, patting Chara's shoulder frantically before running off. Chara stared in disbelief, wondering what on earth a small child was doing in an alley, and ran after Frisk. When they finally caught up, Frisk was kneeling and looking down at something.

"What is it, Frisk? There isn't any kid here.. Is everything alright? Frisk..? Talk to me." Chara was worried, and Frisk wasn't responding. It took a while, but they finally turned and stood up, holding something in their hands.

A small, pink silken blanket that had a red heart sewn on to it with the initials C.L inside.

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora