Date Night

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"Is that cookies I smell..?" Chara asked drowsily, rolling off the couch and onto the floor with a loud thud and a groan. They had knocked over the book and case that Sam had sent next to them and it landed right on top of their head, although they paid it no mind.

"It sure is! And there isn't any chocolate, in case you were wondering." Frisk answered with a grin, walking over to the couch and picking Chara up, setting them back onto the couch. Then Frisk noticed the black leather case and the sketch-book, so they bent over and picked it up to give it a closer inspection. Their name was sewn gently into both, and before Chara could get a look, they covered up the sewing with their sleeve. It wasn't just their first name sewn on.. It had the name Frisk Dreemurr sewn onto it, both of the sketch-book and the leather case. Frisk was blushing furiously, and Chara took notice.

"You don't have to blush for making me cookies and taking care of me like that, unless.." Chara lifted an eyebrow and poked Frisk's belly-button, "Is there something else going on?"

"Oh, uhm, well.." Frisk stuttered and laughed awkwardly, setting the case and book upside-down on the coffee table. They figured there wouldn't be a better time for this, and since they already looked like a strawberry.. "I was just wondering if you wanted to.. Uhm, wanted to go out on a, uh.. You know, on a.. On a.. Date?"

"You've fed off me, made out with me and did various other activities, but asking me to go on a date is what makes you blush like that?" Chara laughed, softly tickling Frisk's side so that they let out a short burst of their incredibly cute laughter, "You're such an adorable little cupcake!"

"Nooo, no! Stop! I'm really ticklish!" Frisk yelped out, trying hard not to laugh; that plan didn't work out so well, as Chara continued to tickle them and pulled them down onto the couch with them. "No tickles! Bad Chara!"

"Mmm, yes tickles! Chara is such a good!" Chara whispered into Frisk's ear playfully, giving them a gentle nip and pressing their lips against their neck in a delicate fashion. They wrapped their arms gently around them, pulling Frisk closer and bringing them tighter together. "Am I not a good little Chara?"

"No no no, you're being a bad Chara!" Frisk strained, blushing furiously because, in all honesty, they were really enjoying themselves right now.. Until the timer on the oven went off. "Now let go, I have to go get our cookies!"

"What? But you are my cookie, Frisk!" Chara complained, but still allowing Frisk to stand up and head to the kitchen, put on their silly looking oven mitts and pull the cookies out. The smell soon made its way throughout the entirety of the house, and it made Chara's mouth-water.

"Shhh, now.. Where should we go for our date?" Frisk asked nervously, occupying themselves with taking the cookies off the baking sheet and laying them out on a cooling rack. After that was done, they began to mix up the icing again, although they didn't really need to.

"Maybe we could go to the river, where the water fell into the underground, and just.. Stargaze, eat cookies and.. I dunno." Chara suggested, falling off into a tangent and ending with an awkward laugh and a rub of the back of their neck.

"Hmmm..." Frisk stood in thought for a moment before taking the cooling rack and putting into the plastic bag, then headed back over to the couch and throwing a blanket over their shoulder, "That sounds like a great time! Could you pick up my sketchbook and pencil case, please?"

"Sure, I got it." Chara nodded, picking up the two items and tucking them under their shoulder before following Frisk outside into the slight chill of the autumn night. Frisk then realized what was sewn into both the case and the book, and immediately hoped that Chara wouldn't give either anymore inspection than what they had already done.

The walk to the river was relatively uneventful, as Chara and Frisk linked their arms and headed off together. The night, instead of dark and foreboding, was peaceful, calm and relaxed. Neither of them had any reason to fear the night now, and anything that lurked in the dark had more reason to be afraid of them.

Once they had arrived, Frisk picked a suitable spot in the small field next to the river and laid out their blanket, taking the rack of cookies and placing it in the center. The two sat down together, looking out over the river while munching on cookies, watching the water fall down the cavern and into the underground in a tranquil silence. Frisk had opened up their pencil case, selected a fine pencil, opened their sketch book and began to draw after they had finished their cookies. Chara, although still munching, leaned over on to their shoulder and watched them draw peacefully.

Although you couldn't say much about any of this in terms of excitement, peace and relaxation was exactly what the two had needed. They had already been through quite a lot together, and it was just time to calm down underneath the stars. Above their heads, their shared soul was shining in a gentle hue, buzzing with a soft warmth and a kind love. Soon they had set the rack of cookies aside and laid down together, curling up close, arms wrapped around one another, and stared up at the stars together.

"The stars are beautiful tonight.." Chara pointed out softly, pointing up to the sky, and Frisk nodded, "You know what else is beautiful tonight?"

"Oh.. What?" Frisk began to blush.

"Those cookies." Chara replied with confidence and utter surety, and Frisk let out a gasp and a laugh at the same time, giving Chara a gentle smack on the shoulder. "Nah, I'm kidding. Although the cookies were good, I think the real star out right now is you.."

"As long as you don't forget the moon, I'll happily be your star." Frisk smiled, placing a soft and delicate kiss on Chara's cheek, "And if you didn't know.. You're the moon of my life."

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