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Chara yawned and rolled over in bed, grasping their hand out to pull Frisk back into the warmth of their body, but their hand found nobody, just a cold spot on the bed. Chara opened their eyes and sat up, looking around. They were alone in the room, and there was a note left on the nightstand. Chara sighed, picked it up and began to read it at the edge of the bed. An apology. An apology for leaving early in the morning to go back to work, and just after proposing and the night they had together.

Work, it was always their stupid work that took away from the life they were supposed to have together. This was supposed to be a good day, they were supposed to enjoy it together like some sort of happy couple but they figured it just couldn't be like that, could it? Work, god damned work that was supposedly more important than they were, the way Frisk acted about it and in a fit of rage, Chara crumbled up the note and threw it, rolling over in the bed and burying their face in a pillow.

When they heard the curtains catch fire, however, Chara decided that burying this just wasn't going to work and so they threw the pillow and hopped out of bed angrily. They threw on a black pair of pants and a tank top and stormed out of their bedroom, their face hot and their eyes burning. It must have been 1pm, and when Chara reached the living room, they picked up the nearest object and threw it at Undyne at full force while they were sitting on the couch, watching anime with Alphys.

"Get up and get ready fish-face, we're going to the training yard. Now." Chara demanded, not even waiting for a response as they stomped out of the living room and marched their way to the armoury where their gear was waiting. As much as they wanted to use something real, Chara decided it would be best to take a training sword over sharpened steel.

Furiously and tightly, Chara strapped on their new set of armour, one that Darcy had made especially for them when he found out that Chara had returned, and was in fact Cherice. That being said, everything Chara was supposed to wear with it was fireproof. The armor was made of blackened steel, with crimson trimming and a ruby heart center piece on the chest-plate. The pauldrons were marked with the old runic symbols of the monster kingdom, the symbol of the angel and the prophecy. There was a helmet to go with it, but it blocked their vision and Chara decided not to take it.

As satisfied as they could be for the moment, Chara pulled their hair back into a ponytail and walked towards the training yard, hand on the sword at their hip and eyes looking down. Because of this, they didn't notice the small crowd that had gathered under the terraces of the yard, a crowd that included Sans, Papyrus, Alphys and Mettaton. Frisk wasn't there. Undyne was standing in the center of the yard with her main spear drawn, dressed in full battle gear. Chara looked up, grinned and casually walked to the other side of the yard, their hand never leaving the hilt of their blade.

Someone was announcing the rules of the fight, explaining the process to the crowd, but Chara wasn't listening, Chara didn't care. They waited impatiently for the word, and as soon as 'fight' was spoken.. Chara dashed forward at full speed towards Undyne. The blue, electric spears shot out from the earth like tiny death traps, but Chara was too fast; they side-stepped each and every one of them, flipping and jumping over everything Undyne threw at them on their mad-dash towards her.

In a quick, seamless movement, Chara flashed right past Undyne, ducking underneath her arm, right next to her side. Nobody noticed that Chara had finally drawn their blade and had swung it behind them as they passed, sounding a loud, metallic clank against Undyne's armour. Undyne turned to face them, flipping her hand and producing two, new energy-filled spears. Chara dashed forward again, sliding right underneath Undyne's attack and slamming the blade into the back of her knees.

Growing with annoyance at her inability to land a blow on Chara, Undyne went with a new attack strategy, one that Chara always found to be furiously annoying. Smaller, faster spear-like projectiles began to rain against them from all different directions, and Chara was having difficulty dodging all of them, yet still they did. It was then that Undyne charged in and thrust her weapon against Chara, who managed to dodge but only slightly, letting the spear jab into their shoulder and throw them off balance, sending them tumbling to the ground. Undyne used this opportunity to raise a wall of the magic-charged spears around Chara's backside so that they would have to face one another head on.

Chara rose to their feet and placed their hand on the hilt of their blade. They smiled grimly, waiting for Undyne's next attack. In a rather majestic twirl of producing the energy filled spears, Undyne launched attack after attack in Chara's direction. Instead of dodging, however, Chara dashed forward and drew their blade. With an aggressive cry of battle, Chara sweeped the blade out in front of their body and pulled off a trick that nobody even knew Chara was capable of. Flowing out from the tip of the blade was a stream of fire, fire that produced a burning wall in front of them that caused all of Undyne's projectiles to explode in a fracturing lighting across the yard.

Chara could hear Undyne stumble back in shock, and they took this chance for a brutal victory. They dashed through the flames that they created and slid forward towards Undyne, sweeping their blade once again. With another shout, wind picked up the dirt and dust of the yard and swept it around until it was an Undyne-sized tornado that Chara was pushing forward as they slid. When the tornado struck Undyne, it sent her flying into the air as it caught fire, and Chara launched themselves into the fray with their blade raised high to the sky.

In a fury of wind and fire, Chara unleashed every ounce of anger built up inside their heart with a thousand swings from a thousand different angles in a matter of seconds in the air before flipping and slamming their foot into Undyne, sending them hurtling back to the ground. With a massive thud and a puff of dust, Undyne created a small crater in the yard as Chara landed delicately on their feet. They sheathed their blade and walked away, leaving the crowd with dropped jaws and a look of sheer amazement, mixed with something more like terror. Alphys ran to Undyne's side to help her up, and Chara could hear her laughing and coughing at the same time.

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