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In the POV of Dream

I loaded Minecraft quickly and sent George the IP. He cried about it, saying he wanted no part in third-wheeling but quickly changed his mind when I told him that Sapnap feels that way when we're in a call, even if it's just a joke. We loaded into the world together, staying in our seperate vc. I showed him my house and everything while Nightmare followed us, confused on why we weren't in a call.

After showing George everything, I dragged him into a vc with her, introducing the two to eachother. They got along very well but not as well as we did when I first started talking to her yesterday. She began to go to her mines, offering to help get George started like she had done for me when he asked for a sign. She asked why but didn't recieve an answer. George took the sign and placed it, typing then leaving vc and the game.

"Dream said you were hot then threatened me not to be too nice before we joined your vc," she said, reading the sign aloud.

"No, I did not! I swear I didn't say that!" I said defending myself.

"I don't think George would lie about something that serious," she said in a teasing tone. I looked over to the muted stream on my phone, noticing the shipping in chat. She's teasing me. I should tease back.

"Well, he lied but I think he's read my mind," I say, cringing after it leaves my mouth. I cannot flirt with her but when it's with George as a joke, it's the easiest thing in the world.

"You haven't even seen me. You have no idea whether I'm hot or not," she says laughing. However, that's not true.

"Yeah I do. Your personality is hot and that's all that matters," I say before realizing what I've just said. I leave vc quickly and call George and Sapnap. They'll talk me through this. They pick up the phone in hysterics.

"Dude! I cannot believe you just said that. It was trending on #3 earlier and it's at #1 now!" Sapnap said, referencing the trending ship name on Twitter. I groan while George laughs.

"You can't just ghost her now! You've basically said everything you think!" George yells. I look to my phone and unmute the stream to her laughing. I cannot believe I didn't think before speaking. We were taught to do that in second grade.

"Clay, go back to that vc and laugh it off. She's obviously laughing about it and you should notice that by how you're watching her stream right now," Sapnap says. I shut off the stream and bring my cursor back to her discord. She's still there in vc and I can't let what I've just said ruin everything.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that," I say as I join back. She bursts into laughter, slamming her hand into her desk multiple times.

"Don't be sorry! I just want to know if it's true! Is it?" She asks.

"It is but-"

"No buts. If it's true own up to it. Your personality is hot too," she says while laughing. I begin to laugh with her and soon, we're back to the game. She continues streaming and I mute, getting ready for a funny joke. I break my bed from my house and go to hers. I ring her makeshift doorbell and she runs up.

"How can I help?" shes says while I'm crouching and punching the air while doing 360s. I unmute and stop, now bringing my minecraft character closer to her door.

"Want to have a sleepover?" I say quietly. 

"Yeah, that'll be fun!!"She says, inviting me inside. I run to her room and place my bed next to hers, whispering 'goodnight' into the mic. "You green bastard," she quietly giggles. As we wake up, chat goes insane. She ends stream and leaves vc and I look at the time. It's around 7 for her now as it is 10 for me. 

I go to my kitchen and make myself dinner, reflecting on the mess of today. I pull up my phone as I eat leftovers, scanning twitter until I see a new profile get recommended. They only follow 2 people, including me and Nightmare.

Recommended: @OppositesFanArt
We retweet fanart of Dream and Nightmare (Tag Us!)

I don't know how to feel about this. It's cool but strange in a way. They did this for George and I but never this quickly. I follow them and go through their posts, forgetting that people can see what I like. Soon, notifications are nonstop and hundreds of thousands of posts tagging me are popping up in my timeline.

That's when a tweet from the one and only pops up...

That's when a tweet from the one and only pops up

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I begin to think of a reply but I can't. I scroll a bit, making sure the comments are kind while I see one from Sapnap 12 seconds ago. I then see George's reply. I could never forget about them and while I think they're joking, it also lingers in the back of my head that they might not be.

 I could never forget about them and while I think they're joking, it also lingers in the back of my head that they might not be

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I sigh. I should've thought about liking those posts. I check Nightmare's likes to see she liked a few aswell but also liked a bunch on the trending tag. I peel my eyes away from my phone and bring myself to my room. I change into my sweats and go to the bathroom, washing my face and teeth efficiently. I brush my hair and push the waves out of my eyes. I stare for a moment before I go to my bed, sinking into the comfy silence of slumber with Patches snuggling with me.

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