23 - Snoqualmie Falls

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In the POV of Dream

I wake up and find Y/n still laying on my chest, asleep. I smile and run my hand through her hair a few times before getting up and going to her computer, looking at the time, 9:24 AM. I look through her OBS settings so I could properly work it. I'll have a good hour or two of playtime if I'm quiet. I begin the stream and whisper into the microphone, saying hello to the fast-paced chat.

"Chat, she's asleep. She has no clue," I whisper, looking back to her bed with a smile. I load up Minecraft and join the SMP, running around as the few people online type in chat quickly.

JackManifold Nightmare, tell Dream I'm stealing gogy
Tubbo LMAO Jack look at the stream
TommyInnit I agree with Jack
Nightmare wtf

Chat laughs with me as I run to Y/n's cottage, filling it with flowers from a nearby grove I just collected flowers from. I sprint out and mess around some more before hearing a sleepy voice beside me.

"The hell are you up for? Come lay back down," Y/n says, her voice a soft whisper. The chat can still hear it though. They freak out and I end stream quickly, facing her with a smile. She pulls me from the chair, dragging me to her bed and tackling me, her hugging grip tight.

"Hey, what was that for," I wheeze, hugging her back. We had wide grins plastered on our faces, muffled laughs from us tackling each other turning to deep breaths. She was on top of me, making direct eye contact. Her breathing went to a slower, more normal pace. Her smile turned into a smirk, looking from my eyes to my lips. She knew what she was doing, she had to.

"Mind if I," she trailed off, shifting her weight atop of me. I know what she means so why can't I speak up. Why can't I tell her it's fine. "Nevermind," she says, getting off me and moving to the kitchen. I sat up, looking to the floor and to the hallway. If only I could've said it was fine. If only I could tell her I wanted to kiss her too. If only.

I get up and make my way to the kitchen, walking in on her making eggs and toast for brunch. I go up to her, giving an awkward smile before I begin to help. She turns on her music again, singing and dancing as we finish breakfast. She plates the food and takes a picture of it, posting it to her Instagram with the caption 'Only making Mr.WasTaken the best food.'

'Yeah, yeah. Just wait till you're Mrs.WasTaken,' I comment, earning a laugh out of her and lots of replies from fans. We eat breakfast quickly before getting ready for the day. It's the third of seven days and we've got things to do and see. Today's plan; Go to Snoqualmie Falls. It's about 40 minutes away so I told Y/n I'd drive and she was more than happy.

"You don't understand, I hate driving. I try to keep it minimal. I love listening to music in the car but driving itself gives me so much anxiety." I know 40 minutes would be too long for her to drive so I gladly volunteered. Driving, unlike her, gave me a chance to blow off steam. It was a distraction, just like streaming. It relaxes me.

We go to her car and I hop into the driver's side, adjusting the mirrors and seat to me. She turned on her playlist and we began the drive, my left hand on the wheel and my right on the shift stick. She placed a hand on top of mine, singing and relaxing as the drive went on. Eventually, I started to think, like I usually do when I drive. Traffic begins to build up and we get to a stop. I look to her, relaxing and looking out the window.

"Is this fine?" I say before I move my hand to her thigh. She looks at me, a surprised yet happy smile. I quickly jerk it back but she grabs my hand, moving it back to her thigh.

"You're a dork. Relax, I'm all yours." I feel a wave of heat crossing my face and I look to a mirror quickly, only to see a bright red blush. Traffic begins moving again and I ease with it, moving my thumb in circles on her outer thigh. I see through my peripheral a light blush on her grow and I can't help but smile. I'd dreamed of this for so long and it's finally happened. We make the exit to the falls and my hand was still on her thigh. She was still singing but she held my hand down, not letting it move.

We park quickly and go onto the observation deck, looking at the waterfall before she unpacks the sandwiches she made for us. We eat and talk for about an hour before going to the gift shop where an old lady, the shopkeeper, looks at us, a smile coming on her face.

"What a cute couple you two make. Here, take this souvenir for free. I insist." She hands Y/n a 1/2 and 1/2 necklace, forming a wave when the halves connect. We thank her and leave, laughing as we buckle in the car.

"Can't believe she thought we were dating," She laughs while putting on her half. I turn my head and have her out mine on, laughing.

"I know right!" I say. I mean, it's not surprising. We had our arms wrapped around one another. To any onlooker that would look like dating. But no, I was friendzoned. Or at least I think so. I like her. No, love her. I just can't figure out whether she feels the same or is just glad I'm here. Or what if she just wants me to feel okay since I spent money to visit her.

I don't think so though. I feel like she reciprocates my feelings. Nothing would make sense if she didn't, not that it makes sense anyway.

We began to drive back, my hand on her thigh was more. She was singing again, smiling widely when I'd join in with her. We got back to her apartment, approximately 2:45 PM, and set up a camera at the kitchen. She wanted to do a live cooking challenge, me against her, on stream. She grabbed face masks and glasses, our faces perfectly concealed.

She began the stream and timer, a countdown for an hour ticking. In the baskets were random ingredients she picked up from the market a while ago. Pecans and steak filets, she gave us the two ingredients to let our minds wonder. I began to crush the pecans, making them into a fine powder and I look over to her, using a meat mallet to tenderize the steak. She begins talking to the chat while I focus on my dish. I grab her meat mallet and begin slamming it into my steak, causing her to jump and laugh.

"Give it back,"she jokes, chasing me around the island. I finish tenderizing the steak and give it back, us both laughing in the process. I mix the crushed pecans, honey, black pepper, paprika, brown sugar, onion powder, and garlic powder in a bowl and toss my steak in it. I grab a pan and throw in sesame oil, heating it up. I throw in the steak and let it sear.

"Hurry up, I want to use that pan too." I turn to see Y/n with her steak.

"Did you even use your pecans yet?"

"Shut the hell up, dumbass. I know what I'm doing."

"Yeah, right." I finish the sear and take my steak out the pan with tongs, putting it on a plate. 15 minutes left. I begin to plate, realizing I need a sauce. I quickly make a sauce and zig zag it on top of the food, putting parsely in the middle. I look to hers to see it plated perfectly, candied pecan sauce over it.

We show the chat our food and end stream, letting them vote via twitter poll. We try each others, hers being better as much as she said mine was. We finished our early dinner and enjoyed eachother's company the rest of the night, laughing whilst watching movies in each others arms. My third day, the most eventful so far, where we had both made moves on each other yet felt restraint. But it'd be gone by the seventh, it had to. For if it wasn't, I'd be embarrassed. Y/n L/n, a very special girl. The girl of my dreams. I've never connected to someone like this before yet George and Sapnap haven't texted me about the trip at all. It's not like they know my plan for the end though.

Word Count: 1,474

A/N: This is beginning to receive some attention so I wanted to quickly thank you all for the support. I appreciate it so much especially since this has helped me advance my writing in ways I've never imagined. If you have any suggestions or concerns, feel free to comment and voice them! Thank you and make sure you've gotten a snack and had some water today :]

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