13 - House

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In the POV of Sapnap, Streaming

I had started stream about 20 minutes ago and chat was begging for me to message someone who was online. I postponed the begs and continued to play bedwars. I'm not great at the game and it's definitely not something I usually stream but I want to wait before going on the SMP. I knock someone off the island and destroy the bed quickly, boasting to my chats before the end game screen pops up. Shoot, I lost focus again. L's and F's fill the chat and I click play again.

I join and begin to build my defense while waiting to get good tools. I begin to bridge to middle, killing people as I see them. The numbers fiddle down til it's just me and Yellow left. We both have our beds and their defense is much better. I'll need to either expand the defense or get some better tools. I go back to my base and begin to save up. I buy the tools I need and sprint-jump to yellow, punching the air and talking to chat as I do so. I begin to break the defense before the notice me, getting in a good axe crit before I kill them.

I break the defense partially and box myself in, able to break the bed under the many layers of whatever the hell they put down. I get out, seeing the bed destroyed screen pop up. I groan while chat begins to cheer me on, several donations popping up saying things along the lines of "You've got this Salad! We believe in you!" and "Samsung Refrigerator for the win!" I laugh at the donations before sprinting to the middle, only for the end game screen to pop up again. A fireball, I should've seen that coming. I click off Hypixel and go on the SMP, seeing that Clay, Nightmare, Tommy, and Quackity are online.

"Well, chat, I think we pay Nightmare and Dream a visit. See what those lovebirds are up to," I say, egging on the Opposites Ship. I click onto the discord call and join, hearing loud yells and laughs fill my headphones.

"Sapnap? What the hell!" Clay says, still laughing.

"What's going on?" I ask, confused by how loud the vc was when I joined.

"Well, Dream here decided to build me house when he's literally homeless," Nightmare says while giggling.

"I am not homeless!" Clay yells, so loud that I can hear it through the house.

"Shut up, I can literally hear you from my room!" I yell back, beginning to laugh.

"Dream, stop messing with the garden I added!" Nightmare giggles. I begin sprinting over to the coords in chat.

"You added every flower but the ones I gave you on the date!" Clay says, laughing.

"Did you even think to look inside the house?" I arrive and find the two inside of a small cottage, crouching at a small table with a flower on it.

"This is so disgusting. I didn't join just to third-wheel," I say, teasing them.

"Then leave. I'm sure you can talk to Quackity or Tommy," Nightmare says, firing back at my tease.

"Yeah, what she said!" Clay says, cheering Nightmare on. Quickly, two people join the call and begin yelling. None other than Tommy and Quackity, one of whom is highly offended that Nightmare and Clay even suggested sending the "American yeehaw dude" to their vc and the other excited to talk to me. Mixed signals, much?

"Nightmare, you often appear in my nightmares. Not only are you a simp but you are also American," Tommy says, laughing a bit.

"Tommy, simps often score more than children do," she says quickly. The vc fills with laughter and soon, we're joking around and acting stupid in the SMP. Tommy says goodnight, ending his stream and leaving the rest of us to hang out.

"Bedwars, anyone? Excluding you Sapnap becuase you seem to have been unlucky earlier," Nightmare jokes. We all load into Hypixel, throwing friendly insults to eachother as we begin to play.

"Sapnap, you suck at bed defense!" Quackity says with his autotune on.

"Quackity shut up! You haven't gotten a single kill since we started," I say.

"Actually, he's roasted you at least 5 times. So at least 5 kills," Nightmare says, crouching on the bridge from our island to Green's. 

"Mega Kill!" Quackity says, his voice now deep and echoing. We all laugh and continue to play, achieving a 3 win streak. We load into our 4th game, laughing and enjoying ourselves.

"Nightmare, what's it like being in a public relationship with Dream?" Quackity asks, teasing the idea of the Opposites ship even more, just like most of the SMP members have.

"What's it like knowing that I'm actually your new stepmom," she quickly says, just like usual. She was always so quick to think and give a sarcastic response.

"Absolutely destroyed," I say while whistling. Quickly, everything goes down hill. Our bed is destroyed and Quackity begins breaking the blocks under Nightmare and Dream.

"Lovers die together, that is true," he says in a high-pitch voice. I laugh before I get killed by the last team. Quackity loses the fight and we all sit in the call in silence.

"So, what's that about lovers dying together? Because you and Sapnap died together," Nightmare says, finally saying her comeback. Dream laughs and soon, 3 things are trending from this stream.

Twitter Trending - United States
#2 >> UFCFightIsland7
#5 >> Packers
view more...

I refocused on stream and we all chased eachother around the lobby, saying and yelling random things. Stream ended soon after and we all sat in vc, talking til midnight. Quackity left call and I did after, leaving the Opposites Duo alone. I shut my computer off and ran to Dream's studio room door quietly, listening in on them.

"I still can't believe how soon your birthday is. - days now. I can't wait for you to see your gifts, honestly," Clay said, obvious that he was smiling.

"Me either. You only turn 21 once too. Speaking of which, I was going to ask earlier but then Nick joined. Did you mean to send me a picture of your eyes?"

Wait, Clay sent someone a picture of partially his face?

A/N: Hello readers :) Make sure you're staying hydrated! Just thought I'd explain the randomness of the twitter trending for #2 and #5. I actually looked it up and those were the #1 and #2 so I just rearranged them. Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments!

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