14 - Q&A

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In the POV of Dream, the next morning

I woke up and went to the kitchen, seeing Nick stand there bored, obviously waiting for me. I perked an eyebrow up but soon shook it off. He is probably hungry, just like I am, and wants me to cook for us. Unluckily for him, though, I do not want to cook this morning.

"Hey, I'm not in the mood to make us something. Doordash?-"

"Dude. Why didn't you tell me that Nightmare has seen part of your face?" So he listened in last night after he left vc. I'm not mad, and it's clear that he isn't either. He just wish he knew just how close I was getting to her.

"I didn't think to, I'm sorry. I sent it without thinking, to be honest. I have to give her bits and pieces if I'm seeing her in March," I say, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

"You're meeting her in March? Come on, we're going to talk to George. Does he know?" I pause and shake my head no, walking to my own studio room while he walks to his. I turn on my computer, the screen's light hitting my eyes brightly. I quickly log in and see that Nick is already in a vc with him. I push my headphones atop my head and join to the ruckus of both of them.

"Clay, you're taking things fast with her, you know this right? Remember that she is faceless too and it's not just you," George says, speaking up more than he usually does on this topic. 

"I know, I'm sorry. It's my first time having feelings after my ex and, quite frankly, I'm excited. I just want to meet her and talk to her. You guys are great, the best even, and I know that you both saw how much I was effected by Sam but there is no reason to worry. I don't know what I'm doing but I do know that I'm the happiest I've been in a while. I just want your support, please."

"And that's all we needed to hear, Clay. You often get distracted, which isn't your fault, but we want to be here for you. When I overheard last night, I freaked out. You showed the internet one eye before but you sent her both, uncovering half your face. I want you to tell George and I things so we can make sure the Sam doesn't happen again. We love you, dude, and we want to make sure things between you two work," Nick concludes. 

"He's right, Clay. We both have been talking to other people as a means of making you Nightmare get closer. Speaking of which, she's doing a very early stream today. What is it, 9 for her? You might want to watch that. I'm going to be going live with Sapnap on the SMP for a little bit so we can get prepared for upcoming lore but please, be careful while giving everything you've got for a relationship to start with her." With that, the two went into their own vc, leaving me to watch her stream. I could go say something to Nick since he's right across the house but, it's not worth it. He just got a bunch off his chest and he deserves to be alone.

Nightmare~Q&A with a character thingy!

I load the stream up, smiling. Sure enough, a character loads. It's like an anime character but it shows her movement. She obviously customized it to her wants, since the hair was quite literally changing colors. The eyes, however, stayed one color. They were e/c. I turned the volume up and began listening in to the stream.

am3lia34~$15.00⊹Hi Nightmare, how old are you?

"Hi Amelia," she said, the character's hand waving. "I'm 20 turning 21 on February 12th!" Chat begins to spam how that's exactly opposite of mine and then someone spoils that I'm here. She made me a mod on her stream so now people can see when I'm here.

WinterNotF0und~$21.69⊹What's your real name if you're comfortable saying :))

"Sure! My name is Y/n. Although, I'd prefer we stick to using Nightmare unless you're someone I stream with regularly!"

KaiiitlynSoot~$20.00⊹Has anyone seen your face? Like other streamers?

"Great question! Nope, but I would show a few people if I didn't have such bad anxiety about it."

P!SSK!NK~$45.00⊹Are you a discord mod or kitten?

"What the hell," she says. Her characters expression changes to one that looks disturbed. I laugh, and wait for the question to be answered. Weird names ask weird questions. "I'm more of a discord kitten. Why would I be a mod?!" She screams at chat, laughing as she does. I perk an eyebrow up while laughing at her. She's funny. Very funny.

ImKindaFound~$110.00⊹I've been Dream in biggest donation >;) Anyways, who is the mod?

"Woah, thanks for the donation! Let's not make it a competition though!" She says, laughing more. "I'd have to say that the mod to my kitten is Dream. For lifers, chat." I smile, widely. I can't even hold in my excitement. I'm now practically jumping around my room yelling the word 'Yes', getting hyped about the fact she said 4lifers.

"Dream, stream can hear you yelling goddammit. Go yell about your excitement about Nightmare somewhere else!" I hear Nick scream from the other end of the house. I wonder what the neighbors think. I begin to type a donation, listening to others get their questions answered.

DeezNutsForever~$30.00⊹Can you do an updated boundaries thing? Tiktok is crazy haha

"Sure! I'll hit more points this time. I'm okay with shipping but please keep it SFW. NSFW I will not tolerate. Don't try to find out exactly who I am or what I look like. I want to be left as faceless and unknown for now. I have bad anxiety and am not ready for that. I think that hits most of it but if you want to know more, I think I have a video about it on my youtube still!"

That one account might be on Tiktok. I didn't even think about it. I finish writing out my donation, taking a deep breath before submitting.

dreamwastaken~$1,000.00⊹This is a fun competition 'ImKindaFound.' Anyways, can we go on another date, Y/n, that would be so cool.

"What the hell is your problem! No competitions between the viewers!" She says while laughing. "And yeah, sure, I'd like that honestly." I smile, yelling again, not caring about Sapnap. I receive a text from him quickly, telling me to either shut up or go to his room and give chat context.

Watch Nightmare's stream. I got another date!!!

Her stream ends fairly soon after that and twitter is going crazy. I might've went over the top with the donation but Karl ended up tagging Jimmy in a thread where he said he was going to donate the next time she was live. It's a little less than a month til her birthday but time is going quickly. How exciting.

A/N: Thanks for reading so far. We're getting relatively close to your birthday, how fun!!! Be sure to stay hydrated and get a snack if you haven't already ate something today. You are loved and absolutely perfect in your own way! Have a great/better day besties :)

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