Chapter 3: Touch the Sky

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"But every once in a while, there's a day when I don't have to be a prince."

Merid sat up in his bed with excitement and jumped up. He grabbed his bow and his arrows and rushed out of his room. He made his way down the hall and knocked on (Y/n)'s door. The door opened to reveal the young girl standing in the doorway already dressed and ready to go. Merid grabbed her hand and dragged her along with him.


"No lessons, no expectations."

The two rushed down the stairs that led to the stables hand in hand, dodging and ducking around the people that were on them. Merid and (Y/n) slid across the railing, and Merid grabbed two apples from a servant passing by and tossed one to (Y/n) who caught it.

"A day where anything can happen."

Merid suddenly picked (Y/n) up bridle style and stepped off the stairs onto a tall candelabra and let it fall to the ground and he landed on his feet.

"A day I can change my fate."

Merid carried (Y/n) all the way over to the stables and tossed her onto his horse Angus. Merid climbed on in front of her and grabbed the reigns, and tried not to blush as (Y/n) tightly wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Yah!" He called, and they sped off.


🎵When the cold wind is a calling, and the skies are clear and bright...🎵

They rode into the forest and Merid locked an arrow into his bow and fired at a target he had hung and hit it dead center.

🎵Misty mountains sing and beckon, lead me out into the light...🎵

Merid fired another arrow and hit another target dead center.

🎵I will ride, I will fly, chase the wind and touch the sky.🎵

He hit another target and let out a laugh, and looked back to see if (Y/n) saw him. He glanced at her and saw her looking around the forest with a smile on her face and the wind blowing through her beautiful hair. He just stared at her, admiring how beautiful she was until she turned back to look at him and he faced forward again, blushing.

🎵I will fly, chase the wind and touch the sky.🎵

Angus leaped over a log and Merid shot an arrow in mid air and hit another target that had already had a bunch of arrows lodged in hit. Once they landed he turned around and fired at a target behind them hitting it perfectly.

"Woo-hoo!" Merid shouted in victory causing (Y/n) to laugh.


🎵Where dark woods hide secrets and mountains are fierce and bold, deep waters hold reflections of times lost long ago.🎵

Angus was rolling around in the grass while Merid and (Y/n) sat next to each other. Merid was carving an eagle into his bow, when (Y/n) leaned her head to rest on his shoulder. The prince tensed up for a moment, before finishing his carving.

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