Chapter 17: The End

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Fergus tossed his son in the air and caught him again.

"Merid, (Y/n), Elinor, hurry up. Their leaving." Fergus announced.


"They're off! Come on! We've got to wave them off!" Elinor said to the two.

Merid wrapped his arm around (Y/n)'s waist and lead her out the door. An unfinished tapestry was behind them. It showed Merid and (Y/n) holding hands with a bear.


At the docks, the royal family was bidding farewell to the clans. There was much exchanges and hugs and goodbyes before they all got in their ships and sailed off. Fergus was waving from the docks when he noticed the boys were standing on the mast of one of the ships. Fergus groaned before getting in a row at and going after them.


There are those who say fate is something beyond our command, that destiny is not our own.

Merid and (Y/n) were sitting on Angus looking over the horizon. (Y/n) was in front while Merid was hugging her from behind. He buried his face into her neck and pressed kisses wherever he could reach. (Y/n) giggled before turning around and kissing Merid on the lips.

But I know better

Elinor came up next to them on her own horse and cleared her throat, causing them to break apart. Merid narrowed his eyes silently challenging her to a race. She silently accepted and they both took off.

Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.


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