Chapter 11: The New Problem

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"Come out wisps. Come on out. Lead us to the witch's cottage. We're here!" Merid called out into the sky.

The three had arrived back at the circle of stones and were now looking around for the wisps.

"Fine. Don't come out now that my mum's watching." Merid huffed.

Elinor looked at him expectantly.

"We were standing right here and the wisp appeared right there. Then a whole trail of them led us off into the forest." He explained, waving his arms in frustration.

Elinor held up her law to silence him and headed off into the forest.

"Uh...your majesty?" (Y/n) called out, standing next to Merid. Elinor kept going.

"Oh, does she think we're just going to happen upon the witch's cottage?" Merid mumbled to  (Y/n) who just shrugged.

Merid sighed and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and followed after his mum.

They walked through the woods for a good while. Elinor still taking the lead while Merid stomped behind her.

"Can you believe this (Y/n)?" Merid asked the girl, only to see she wasn't next to him anymore. "(Y/n)?" Merid asks again.

He looked behind him and saw that she was a few feet behind him just staring off into the trees. She turned her body left and right, and looked around with a curious expression on her face. Like she was wondering why she was here.

Merid walked up behind her. "Um...(Y/n)?" He hesitantly asked, tapping her shoulder.

The girl turned around and stared at him with a blank expression. "Yes?"

"Are you alright love? You kind of spaced out on me for a minute there." Merid asked.

"Oh, yes I'm fine." She reassured.

"Ok, we'll then we should probably catch up with my mum and keep looking then." He said.

"Of course...Looking for what?" (Y/n) asked him.

"...The Witch's cottage...remember?" Merid said slowly.

"Oh! Yes, right, the witch's cottage." (Y/n) suddenly brighten up, and started walking forward.

Merid grabbed her wrist and made her stop.

"Are you sure you're alright love?" Merid asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine Merid. I just got a little distracted, that's all. Now come on, we should catch up with your mum before we lose her." (Y/n) replied, grabbed his hand.

The two kept walking forward but Merid never took his eyes of (Y/n). He was a little worried about her. It's not like her to get distracted so easily.

They walked a bit further into the woods before  Merid suddenly stopped.

"Oh, mum, I know this place. The witch's cottage...It's this way! Come on! Hurry!" Merid ran forward dragging (Y/n) behind him.

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