Chapter 15: The Chase

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Merid put his hand up where he made the tear.

"Mend the bond...mend the bond. Stitch it up. This'll change you back. We just need needle and thread." Merid said.

Elinor started looking in her drawers for a needle and thread, but got distracted by a bowl of fruit.

"Mum?" Merid turned and saw Elinor sniffing around the room as a real bear. "Mum? Not now."

"Merid?" He turned and saw (Y/n) looking around the room in confusion again.

"(Y/n)? You alright?"

"Where are we? It looks like a castle...So you live here?" She asked.

"Yes, you live here too, love." He reminded her.

"I do? Wow...Um, do you know there's a bear in here?" She said, pointing at Elinor.

"Yes, that's my mum."

"You're what?"

"Listen, love, I know you're confused right now, but I really need you to focus and find me a needle and thread, okay?"


"Thank you." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and went over to try and quite his mum down.

"Mum, please not now." Merid said.

Suddenly, they heard King Fergus heading down the hall.

"Who is that?" (Y/n) asked.

"Shh." He shushed her and covered his mums muzzle, and kept it there until he passed the room.

Once he was gone, Merid went over to the wall and tried to yank the tapestry down.


Meanwhile, Fergus made his way to his bedroom.

"Elinor, dear, you'll never guess who just solved our little suitor problem."

He opened the door to find the room a mess. He looked down and found Elinor's shredded dress on the ground. He leaned down and picked it up.

"Elinor!" He screamed.

He ran out into the hall. "It can't be true! Elinor, answer me lass! Elinor!" Fergus opened all the doors in the hall looking for his wife, before he opened the one where Merid was.

He saw Merid yanking on the tapestry and (Y/n) looking in the drawers.

"Merid, (Y/n)." He heard a growl and saw a bear glaring at him.

"Dad, no! It's not what you think."

"Merid, get back!" Fergus pushed him out of the way.


Fergus drew his sword and started slashing at the bear.

"No, dad! Don't hurt her!" Merid tried to pull his dad away, but ended up getting scratched by Elinor.

Fergus attacked again, and Elinor batted him off to the side.

"No!" Merid shouted.

Elinor suddenly turned back to normal and looked around at what she had done.


"Merid? What happened." (Y/n) was back too, and was very confused.

"(Y/n), your back!"

Elinor noticed Merid's scratched arm and whined.

"It's alright. I'm alright. It's nothing. It's just a little scratch. Mum!"

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