Chapter 14: Breaking Tradition

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Merid, (Y/n) and Elinor peeked over a boulder and looked up at the castle. They took notice of all the guards on the balconies. Elinor shook her head.

"Mum, do you have a better idea?" Merid whispered.


Elinor was down below and ripped off a door that led into the castle.

"That'll do." (Y/n) commented.


The three managed to sneak into the castle and made their way outside of the throne room where they could here shouting. Inside, all four clans were fighting each other and shouting.

"No more talk. No more traditions. We settle this now!" MacGuffin bellowed.

"Your the King. You decide which one of our daughters your son will marry." Macintosh demanded.

"Non of your daughters are fit to marry my son." Fergus shouted.

"Then our alliance is over! This means war!" Dingwall declared.


Merid and (Y/n) watched the whole display from a crack in the door.

"They're gonna murder each other." (Y/n) exclaimed.

"You've got to stop them before it's too late." Merid told his mum.

Elinor looked taken aback, and gestured to her bear body.

"I know, I know! But how do we get you through there and up to the tapestry with the lot of them boiling over like that?" Merid whined.

Elinor shrugged and Merid groaned while     (Y/n) facepalmed. Elinor suddenly perked up and pointed at Merid.

"No, no way." Merid said.

"You have too. You're the only one who can stop them now." (Y/n) argued.

Merid paused for a moment. "Come with me." He stated.


"Come with me." He repeated.

"But, I'm a maid. They won't listen to me, and besides it's not what's done." She said.

"Oh, who cares! I want you to be by my side. I always feel better when I'm with you." Merid confessed.

(Y/n) glanced over to Elinor and she gave her a nod in approval.



Merid and (Y/n) walked calmly through the crowd and the room died down.

"What are you two doing?" Fergus asked incredulously.

"It's alright dad." Merid cleared his throat. "I...Um...I have...well you see, I..." Merid stuttered.

"We have been in conference with the Queen."(Y/n) said.

"Is that so?" Dingwall said, making his way over to the two.

"Aye, it is." Merid glared at him.

"Well, where is she then?" MacGuffin asked, also walking over.

"She, uh..."

"How do we know this isn't some trick?" Macintosh chimed in.

"I'd never..."

"And what is this girl doing here?"

"This is highly irregular."

The three lords were closing in on the two.

"What are you playing at?"

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