Chapter 6: The Arrival of the Clans

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Out in the distance, three giant boats were making there way across the water. These boats belonged to each of the three clans.

Standing at the front of one of the boats was a man with wild black hair and blue body paint.

Another boat came up next to him and a large, blonde, burly man with a big beard was standing at the front of it.

"MacGuffin!" The large man shouted.

"MacGuffin!" The men in the boat repeated.

Another boat came up beside the two, with a short man with white hair at the front.

"Dingwall!" The short man shouted.

"Dingwall!" The men repeated.

The man with blue paint didn't want to be outdone. "Macintosh!" He shouted.

"Macintosh!" His men repeated.


Inside the castle, Elinor was getting her son ready.

She attempted to brush his hair, which only resulted in it being pulled, and stuffed him inside a light blue shirt with white pants and blue boots with a white head piece that went over his head completely covering his red hair. Elinor put a necklace on him with the DunBroch symbol on it and tucked a red curl under the head piece. Elinor stepped back to admire him.

"You look absolutely handsome." She said.

"I can't breathe." Merid told her.

"Och, shush! Give us a turn." Elinor demanded.

Merid struggled to move in a full circle.

"I can't move. It's too tight." He complained.

"It's perfect." Elinor sighed.

Merid let out a long groan.

"Merid." Elinor started.

"Mum?" He replied.

"Just...remember to smile." She replied.

A knock on the door could be heard.

"Come in!" Elinor called.

(Y/n) entered the room and Merid's jaw nearly dropped. She was wearing a beautiful (f/c) dress. It wasn't super fancy and was still considered a maids dress, but Merid still thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. He couldn't help but stare at her.

"Sorry to interrupt my Queen, but the lords have arrived at the docks." (Y/n) said.

"Oh! Well we must hurry then. Thank you     (Y/n) dear." Elinor replied, before exiting the room.

(Y/n) approached Merid.

"So, how tight is that thing squeezing you?" She asked, gesturing to his suit.

"Ugh, I feel like my ribs are about to collapse." Merid whined.

"Awe, poor baby. But for what it's worth, you do look handsome." She said.

Merid smiled at her. "Thanks love."

(Y/n) reached under his head piece and pulled out a strand of his curly red hair. "There, now it's  perfect."

Merid let out a chuckle and looked her up and down. "You look beautiful by the way." He told her.

"Why thank you my prince." She playfully curtsied.

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