Chapter 10: Sneaking Out

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Upstairs, Elinor was pacing back and forth, lecturing Merid and (Y/n) who were sitting on her bed.

"There's no point in having a go at us. The witch is to blame. Goggly old hag." Merid said.

Elinor picked up her tattered dress and crown. She placed the crown back on her head, but saw that the dress wasn't going to fit.

"Eyes all over the place. Unbelievable. I'll get her to fix this. Why do I always get blamed for everything? It's just not fair." Merid ranted.


Fergus was still sniffing the air.

"Everybody, follow me. And keep a sharp eye." Fergus announced, climbing up the stairs.

"Here we go, another hunt through the castle." Dingwall sighed.

"But we haven't even had dessert yet." MacGuffin complained.

MacGuffin's daughter said something to the other two suitors, but her accent was too thick to understand.

Macintosh's daughter just chuckled. "I have no idea." She said to Dingwall's daughter.


Elinor exited her room with a sheet wrapped around her body.

"My Queen, you can't go out there." (Y/n) whispered.

Elinor didn't listen and kept walking, bumping into things as she went.

"Mum, wait. What are you doing? Dad, The Bear King? If he so much as sees you you're dead." Merid told her.

Suddenly, they heard voices coming from behind them.

"Another one of your entertainments to bore us to death." They heard Dingwall complain.

They peeked around the corner and saw King Fergus and the clans coming up the stairs.

"Oh, and what exactly are we liege?" Macintosh asked sarcastically.

Elinor had already started going back the other way.

"Mum!" Merid whisper shouted, following after her.

(Y/n) stopped and picked up a stand that Elinor had knocked over, before Merid came over and grabbed her hand, pulling her after the Queen.

"Best to humor him. He is, after all, the King." MacGuffin added.

Merid and (Y/n) disappeared around the corner as soon as Fergus looked down the hallway they were just in. Fergus started sniffing around again.

"He's like a hound with that nose of his." MacGuffin commented.


"Mum, wait! We have to..." Merid tried to get her to slow down, but Elinor ignored him, and kept walking, knocking into a tall candelabra.

"Mum, stop. Stop!" Merid grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of her.

Elinor looked down and tried to cover herself.

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