Chapter 12: Bonding

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Merid woke up and went to roll over but he paused when he felt something on top of him. Or rather someone. (Y/n) had fallen asleep on his chest with Merid's arm wrapped around her waist. He looked down at her and smiled, admiring how cute she looked when she was asleep. He wrapped his other arm around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked up at Merid with her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

"Good morning. Sorry, I fell asleep on you."
(Y/n) apologized.

"Don't worry love, I didn't mind." Merid responded.

(Y/n) blushed a bit at his words, and they both turned there heads to see Elinor setting something up.

"Uh...Good morning." Merid greeted.

Elinor growled a good morning to him.

"So...What's all this supposed to be?" He asked.

Elinor gestured to the table. Apparently it was breakfast.

"Oh." Merid gestured for (Y/n) to sit down, before he placed his bow on the table and sat down himself.

Elinor moaned and grunted at him.

"What?" He asked, confused.

Elinor spoke again, but it was in Bear language, so neither of them understood.

"Sorry. I don't speak bear." Merid shrugged.

Elinor mimicked firing a bow and pointed at Merid's, then to the ground. Merid shrugged again.

"She wants you to take your bow off the table." (Y/n) said.


Merid placed it on the ground, and Elinor grunted in approval. Then she picked up two sticks that were supposed to be a knife and fork and tried to cut into the berries on her plate. However, the pressure from the knife caused it to fly into the air and hit (Y/n) on the nose and she gasped in surprise. Merid snickered at the scene, and (Y/n) slugged him in the arm.

"Ow!" Merid whined, rubbing his arm.

Elinor set down the sticks and used her paws to eat the berries. Merid picked on up.

"Find those by the creek did you?" He asked.

Elinor nodded.

"Uh...they're nightshade berries you know..." (Y/n) added.

Elinor kept eating, not knowing what that meant.

"They're poisonous." Merid deadpanned.

Elinor spat the berries out of her mouth and polluted herself a cup of water from the pot she had and drank it.

(Y/n) picked the pot up and examined it. "Where did you get this water? It has worms."

Elinor spat the water out before falling on their table, sending launching into the trees. Merid chuckled and picked up his bow and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand.

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