Chapter 25

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Author's Note

So, hello again. Nice seeing y'all enjoy this story really, everyone's comments give me so much motivation to continue writing.

How do you guys like the names? If I'm entirely honest, these characters are all Oc inserts and originally I didn't want to put the names for them because I wanted to give you guys creative freedom.

But yes I do agree, it's sorta hard to remember all of them. I do mix up B/n/1 and B/n/3, G/n/1 and G/n/3 precisely because their personalities are all jumbled.

Anyway, enjoy the story.

Your POV

Kenma had followed you to the lower floor and if he wasn't weirded out about you stalking your friends then you don't know what else could chase him away.

To be fair, you weren't trying very hard to get him off.

A little attention for once was nice.

"So... why are you watching them?" Kenma asks, casually.

"Shut up." You spit at him.

The audacity of this dude to be fine with you now, compared to how he blatantly didn't like you as much before when you were dating and treating him well disgusts you.

What was wrong with you back then? Nothing certainly... hopefully.

"And, you mean we." You added for extra taste before turning back to discreetly look at the sight of both Atsumu Miya and Gennai talking.

As of late, Gennai has been interested in the volleyball playing Miya.

Saying he's all hot and his hair is on fleek or something among the weirdness of his mind, finding stupid looking things attractive. Speaking of stupid, he was also stupidly tall.

Maybe if Gennai did get Miya twisted around his finger you could get him to stomp his tall ass on Kenma.

"Mm. Yes. I totally understand what I'm looking at." Kenma speaks up, moving a little too close besides you.

You want to palm your face into his forehead and hope he falls down the stairs and breaks all his limbs and spends the rest of his life living like a vegetable.

"Y/n what are we—" Kenma begins but you shut him down quickly by snapping your fingers in his fave multiple times.

The audacity.

You couldn't care less about Kenma. In fact you're annoyed and you really hope he falls down the stairs and lives the rest of his life as a vegetable.

Please let this end soon.

Every time you scoot farther away from him, he gets even closer, as if taunting you.

You end up ignoring him and just closely watch Gennai and Miya conversing, and very much eye their body language so you can tease and make fun of Gennai later.

It's what he deserves.

Third POV

Kenma is very much so trying to get your attention by doing all the little things that annoy you. Like a little kid in elementary.

He feels disgusted with himself, this is stuff only Kuroo would do.

But he's desperate to get back into your good graces.

All he wants is your body heat with his and your arms around him.

But when you look at the way Gennai interacts with Miya he can't help but feel a sting in his soul.

You must really love him.

If stalking him to make sure the one he likes, likes him in return too.

What's even more upsetting is how you're not even trying to hide it. Hide how you love Gennai and how even though Gennai's very visibly gay, you try and covet him.

Even watching him through fake bushes.

Maybe he'll never get a chance to be with you again.

He'll never get to hold you, play with your hair, eat your apple pie, ever again. Because of his stupid mistake.

And he can't help but be envious of your friends who you've found trust and solace in the way he used to have with you.

Kenma can't help but feel a ping of jealousy and longing. He wants to be looked at the way you look at Gennai.

Your POV

Make do like high school Kenma and get the fuck out.

Kenma's been staring at you so fixated my the last minute you can barely handle it.

"Stop it!" You whisper scream. "You didn't care about me like this in high school so just fuck off."

Kenma looks taken aback, his eyes widened in shock and eyebrows pulled back a little gingerly and sad.

"I'll help you." Kenma speaks softly.

"What?" You question, turning back to him strangely.

"I'll help you get them together." Kenma finalizes.

"Really?" This has gotten so much better already... maybe. Kenma isn't the person you entirely want to work on this with but if he can see how weird you still are then maybe he'll leave you alone.

The shoulder length haired male nods and you smile back tight lipped in return.

"So see the way Gennai talks, with his hands and everything?" You direct with him.

Kenma hums from besides you, the male so close that you can feel his breathe on your jaw.

"Gennai doesn't usually do that, he talks with his hands in his pockets or to the side. Also, he makes eye contact, with everyone, it's his thing. No one ever says anything about it, because they just think he's weird but he thinks it's a power move, now he's not doing it anymore with Miya because he doesn't feel powerful."

Kenma nods, and you can see from the corner of your eye, a slight crinkle in expression.

It's so brief and light you can barely tell it's anything akin to sadness.

You would ask what's wrong but Miya laughs, chuckles loudly to something Gennai says and in return a bright smile curves from the sides of his lips.

Then they both go out the front door of the lobby and into the world.

You don't know where the rest of the MSBY team went but assuming that none of them seemed to be in a hurry when arriving in the lobby you'd assume that none of the tournaments were starting yet.

"No volleyball tournaments start until the day after tomorrow." Kenma's voice comes out factual, and desolate.

You don't see him like this usually, when he's trying to act or work up forgiveness usually he acts like he's the best or tries to be humble yet confident with you.

Now he just looks sorrowful.

The inner corners of Kenma's eyebrows are pressed together and all you want to do is press your thumb in between them to smooth it out.

Like you used to back in high school.

But those days are gone.

Along with all your happy memories, tarnished.

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