Chapter 15

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Author's Note:

Thank you so much for the support! Enjoy the chapter.

I'm honestly shocked how much you guys like this story—

Third POV

This was a sign: it's okay to let go now. You're going to be fine. No matter what the emotions are that meets your future.

Leading a life without Kenma would be fine... right?

Your POV

"DAMMIT B/n/2!" Barks out G/n/3 who's now seeing B/n/2's trashy set of cards at the end of The River.

"We weren't even playing with money and I still managed to trick you." B/n/2 says deadpan, almost disappointed and dissatisfied, but the way he says the words has the underlying tone of teasing, and coy.

"Which does prompt the question of: If we don't play with money for the next few rounds while Y/n here is still watching, what's there to motivate us into even playing?" G/n/2 asks.

"Pride G/n/2! Pride!" B/n/1 explains, bumping the palm of his hand into his forehead for a facepalm, almost revealing out his two private cards by dropping them onto the carpet floor.

"Yeah." B/n/2 agrees, snickering. "It'd be pretty pathetic of you to give up at the beginning only because money wasn't in play."

"You've been with us for this long time and still don't know the answer to something as simple as that." G/n/3 chimes in teasingly.

You see G/n/2 sneer back at B/n/2 and stick her tongue out at G/n/3. Between the both of you, it had been awkward ever since that talk. You kinda wanted to wreak vengeance on her but it wasn't worth your time when you had other issues to fix... like Kenma.

Speaking of Kenma, who was always in the back of your mind. You wondered if he knew how to play Texas Poker too. Obviously you would have been overjoyed to teach him, but you weren't in that position to.

"Do you understand Y/n?" B/n/1 asks you, as you observe the third round of betting. The game was between B/n/1, B/n/2, and G/n/1.

B/n/3 was too busy eating your snacks--this was his third bag--and B/n/2 said he didn't want B/n/3's dirty hands to ruin the cards or poker chips.

You decided that you wanted to observe while they played so you would play the next game of poker with them.

G/n/3 had folded out, B/n/2 had betted a ridiculous amount from the start and even if money wasn't on the line, ego was so, likewise B/n/1 was next to make and move and raised the bet to two thousand.

"This is boring." B/n/2 complains. "We're using real money next round. You guys aren't as scared as you usually are."

"Does everything need to be where you're always in a position of power?" B/n/1 asks deadpanned. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was done with B/n/2's streak of domination over them. This was the second game, you still didn't understand from last game, but you seem to now be understanding it.

The dealer in this case was G/n/2 who had turned to G/n/1 as she waited for her move. On the coffee table were the betting chips. After three minutes of thought she called to B/n/1's previous bet and the act moved onto B/n/2.

He called it, and then began the round you knew as The River.

B/n/1 says this is the round where everything could change and you knew why due to last round.

Last game G/n/3 hadn't had the best pair of cards in the card hierarchy. Between her and B/n/2 (After B/n/1 and G/n/1 folded out) B/n/2 won with a three of a kind.

B/n/2 just from a little bit of playing was intimidating enough, especially with his closed off visage.

You were just a little bit intimidated by him.... okay a lot. You didn't do well with people you thought were better than you. Just your own inferiority complex...

"Next round you ready to play Y/n?" B/n/1 asks.

"Yeeeaaah." G/n/1 agrees. "It's getting boring without you..." she drawls.

Damn flattery. Worked on you every time.

"Yes I will. I do understand most it anyway."

"Anyway. Time to reveal the cards." G/n/2 announces.

B/n/2 flips over his two cards nonchalantly while G/n/1 exposes her with a nervous smile. It's obvious that she lost.

"Knew it." B/n/3 calls out, stuffing more chips inside his mouth. At this rate he'd deplete your supply of snacks.

"That's enough snacks for you. Play with us next round." G/n/1 scolds, taking away what seems to be his sixth bag of chips and eating the remnants.

"Hey! Those are mine!" B/n/3 spits, reaching over to take back his bag.

Before he can actually take it back, G/n/3 smacks his back with the palm of her hand and you can see the small smirk of victory across her face when B/n/3 relishes in pain.

"No more snacks." She adds.

"Time to start." B/n/2 says, then staring at you. You can tell he's analyzing you—and you have no reason why he thinks he should whatsoever.

"Who's dealer this round?" G/n/2 asks.

"I'll be." B/n/1 volunteers.

"G/n/2 will start with the small blind." B/n/2 announces. "Then Y/n with the big blind."

"And remember," he states, a mischievous smile crossing his face. "We're using real money."

You forgot that we were using real money this round. Let's hope you didn't bet off all your months worth of money in this game.

"I bet $20." G/n/2 starts.

You already know it's is going to be bad.

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