Chapter 7

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Third POV

It had finally happened. You broke up with Kenma, and he was finally able to live on with his life without the stress of keeping his secret.

Still healing from the aftereffects of being cheated. You can't help but still love Kenma no matter what.

Your POV

It had happened again.

Dripping with sweat down your forehead, you woken up from another nightmare. You'd usually have nightmares as signs of stress. You were constantly stressed, but when you were with Kenma... the nightmares had gone away. Seems now like they had come back.

You reached to the bedside table to reach for your phone, checking at the time. 5:23 AM. You'd usually wake up at 7 to head off the school.

Gently letting yourself down (as always) you laid your pillow on the bed.

This time your nightmare wasn't anything random. It was about Kenma going off with his girlfriend—who wasn't you. They both walked down the street from the local convenience store you went to, and surely enough you crossed paths.

You secretly wondered if she knew that Kenma had another girlfriend—who was formerly you.

Kenma hadn't bothered to look at you when you walked past him, and only payed attention to his current girlfriend.

It was truly, a nightmare. They had been truly lovey dovey with one another, not caring to even look your way as said before.

Somehow—and very dreamlike—you saw quick flashes of their memories, and moments together, and that killed you.

Every moment. Every time. Everything spent with Kenma was meaningless because now he had someone new.

First scene was where they both cuddled together in a nap. Which you also did with Kenma back when you were still dating. She laid her head on his lean chest, and he brushed her hair with his right hand while playing games with his other. Their legs folded together in a comfortable position.

Second scene was when she cooked him apple pie. Was yours not enough? Is that why he left? Though it was silly that you thought this, you couldn't help but take this into account. You continued to watch until you saw the silently pleased expression on Kenma's face.

"Do you like it?" Her sweet voice called out to him in question, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

He nodded wordlessly, and ate it in fast paced strikes. Once finished, he looked at her directly, and outstretched his plate cutely with both hands. A smile tugged brighter at her cheeks, and she took the plate to go get more apple pie.

You couldn't help the tears that slid down your cheeks, cascading down hotly.

Last scene was where Kenma had gotten feverish, and sick, probably from lack of self care. She had stayed by his side, to which he greatly appreciated. You knew this by the way Kenma nimbly grabbed her hand, coddling it by his cheek, and closing his eyes to drift to sleep.

Closing your eyes, you settled down to sleep. You wanted to cry, you wanted to sob, scream, shout, but the wave of wallowing sadness you wanted never came.


You had finished with your class, and by time it was time to eat lunch. You headed out to eat with the group of people you met the other day.

"Hey Y/n," G/n/1 greeted, cheerfully waving her hand. Today her dark brown her were held together tightly in two pig tails rested on her shoulders with light pink ribbons.

"Nice to see you again." B/n/2 quietly greeted, nodding his head of dark, jet black hair.

"Thanks for taking my invitation to come sit with us." G/n/1 said.

You hummed, and nodded, taking an awkward seat between B/n/3, and G/n/2, who had moved aside for you to sit.

You quietly ate, while listening to the others conversation around you.

You observe the six people you sit by, now taking time to notice them closely, and more clearly than before.

G/n/1 is a cheerful, clumsy girl, with strikingly beautiful exquisite brown hair, and brown eyes. G/n/2 is more reserved, but manages to make teasing snarky comments from time to time. She accompanies deep dark black-blue hair, let down to flow from her shoulders in such a pleasing way, with grayish-blue eyes. G/n/3 is a especially snarky, and sassy, with dark, wavy brown-blonde hair, and brown eyes.

B/n/1 is more of a neutral, fun loving boy. He has dark brown hair, and bright jade green eyes. B/n/2 is reserved, and silent, easily can tell that he's highly intelligent by the way he responds to questions. He has jet black hair, and blueberry purple colored eyes. Lastly, B/n/3 is plain quiet, and holds the air of laziness—doesn't want to be bothered. He has blonde hair, and cool crimson eyes.

"Hey Y/n," B/n/1 starts. You stare up at him, tilting your head in question, letting h/c strands fall from your hair to your face.

"Want to play a game?" He asks, now reaching for his bag, taking out a deck of cards.

"Oooh." G/n/3 awes, a sly smile crossing her lips.

"Yep. Want to play Shampoo?"

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