Chapter 4

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Third POV

It had finally happened. You broke up with Kenma, and he was finally able to live on with his life without the stress of keeping his secret.

But everything still felt a little wrong.

Your POV

You had stopped sitting with Kenma, and Kuroo. You had no need to anymore, besides the fact that your only company was with them. But now that you and Kenma had broken up, it would be really, really awkward to keep hanging around, not to mention, sad.

Huffing out, trying to keep in several incoming tears, you stared out the window of the train. You had lost your boyfriend, and a pretty good friend. You wonder wether Kuroo knew about Kenma's new—or should I say, current—girlfriend. Did the team know about her?

The train made its stop, and you headed out the sliding doors. You made it to school, and headed for your locker.

What should you do now that you don't sit by Kuroo, and Kenma anymore? Yes eat, but what would you do when you were done eating? You'd usually make conversation with Kuroo, and Kenma but that was when things weren't so... awkward.... broken.

"Hey Y/n!" A familiar voice—that isn't Kenma's—interrupts my thoughts, comes from behind me.

You turn back to see Kuroo, casually scratching the back of his neck, peering at me with narrow hazel eyes.

"Hi Kuroo." I greet, unbothered. Try to remain cool. Don't act like you have anything against, or with Kenma...

"How have you been recently?" He asks. It's not that he's interested, it's that he's trying to get me to tell him about me, and Kenma breaking up.

You need him to get off your case, so you tell him what he's been waiting for: "Me and Kenma broke up. You probably already heard from him."

"Yeah. Sorry about him." Kuroo addresses nonchalantly. Trying to look like he's sorry, by giving a lopsided smile, and scratching the back of his neck.

"It's not your place to apologize for him. If he wants to apologize, he can tell me himself." 

Kuroo doesn't look surprised at my response, in fact his poker face is on as usual, and he waves his hand. "Well I got to go now, class starts in 5 minutes." 

I nod, and continue heading to class. You bite my lip to keep from the tears.

Don't cry. Please don't cry. Maybe you should try remembering a memory of Kenma, and try not to cry through that... maybe that'll help you.

I pull up a memory of Kenma, one where I know I'd always remember. We were sitting by each other, cuddling—like that girl he was cuddling with—my eyes begin to dry out. Kenma had his arm around me—just like with her—and his other hand playing his console.

It was already too late to bite your cheeks. Tears had already fallen from your eyes, now cascading down your cheekbones, fresh and hot.

Quickly wiping the tears by the edge of your sleeve, you carry on through the halls. Face down to avoid looking at anyone.

"Y/n!" A female classmate calls to you when you enter the classroom.

You look back up, and scan the class to check for who said your name.

"Want to have lunch with us today?" She bounds up to you.

You'd never usually hang out with any of your classmates, because you'd always have Kenma, and Kuroo. But at the moment you didn't have anyone.

So peeking behind her, you spotted three boys, and two other girls, talking to each other in a heated notion.

"Sure." You respond, not thinking much about it. These people already have each other, you'll just join to make yourself not look so lonely.


Lunch had come around, and you followed the one girl along with all her other friends, to the cafeteria. You had already packed your lunch, so you just followed them to a table near the middle, left corner.

"What do you do Y/n?" One of the boys asked you. You thought for a really quick moment, trying to find his name while making up a answer.

"I read." You reply.

"What kind of books?" Another girls asks, yet again, you try to find the name for this girl. You should've paid more attention to when people introduced themselves.

"Any kind, mostly romance, fantasy, sci-fi, and a bit of mystery." You respond, turning your face to look at her.

"Oh cool!" Her eyes turn wide, and if not possible, she leans even closer to you.

She ends up getting her shirt dirtied by her lunch that's in her lap.

"Oh no..." she gasps, rummaging at her side for a napkin.

"You klutz," the girl besides says, with a silly smile on her face, she takes a napkin from her pocket, and hands it to her, while grabbing another to help clean up.

The others around laugh, or chuckle lightly. Adding on to make the situation funnier.

You miss Kenma. There was always that in your mind when watching these people talk to one another. Like they had something so close and respondent to one another.

You, and Kenma had that.

Smiling lightly, trying to hide the pained expression you know you have on your face.

Everyone stops laughing for a moment, and you smile awkwardly. You can't pull this poker face thing off. You didn't need to do that with Kenma... so you never tried to fake your emotions.

"By the way Y/n, why aren't you sitting with Kenma and Kuroo?" Another make of the group asks, once again you're looking for his name but come up with nothing but the answer to his question.

"I broke up with Kenma." You had thought about saying 'oh' at the start of the sentence to sound surprised, or somewhat shocked, but decided against it, and be straightforward.

"I see. If you don't mind me asking. How come?" The girl who had the napkins asked.

"I'm not too comfortable with that." You say offhandedly.

There's too much people.

Too much emotions.

The girl who asked, turns to you, and apologizes. Only for you to begin crying to these strangers.

You never had comfort from anyone else besides Kenma, and you weren't used to being vulnerable in front of others. So crying in front of other people was embarrassing.

Everyone fumbles in shock, dryly trying their best to comfort you.

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