Chapter 6

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Author Note:

Sorry for the late update. I've been busy recently. Hope you like the new chapter, the next few I'll try to make interesting to the plot. By the way, the art is not mine.

Third POV

It had finally happened. You broke up with Kenma, and he was finally able to live on with his life without the stress of keeping his secret.

Couldn't he just leave you alone to heal?... unless he wanted you back just as you wanted to go back to him—oh wait, no he doesn't...

Your POV

It had only been the first day, and the partner thing with Kenma was not working.

It was his own way of being respectful in the most dismissive way ever.

"What season?" You asked again, trying to get an answer out of him.

"You choose." He replied, staring off at anything but you.

You both only hand fifteen minutes of class left, and both of you haven't even begun discussing who would bring the large cardboard foldable home, or the layout.

Taking your pencil, and the sheet full of the requirements passed out from the teacher, you wrote out: Spring, in the season area.

In the corner of your eye, you saw Kenma peek a bit at your writing on the sheet of paper. When you turned around to catch his eye, he cheekily looked away.

"How about the layout?" You decided to take charge. Kenma might of cheated on you, but that didn't mean your grade was going to go down.

He stayed silent for quite a bit before announcing: "You do half, and I do half." 

"We can each research on our own, about the facts, then meet up again to put everything together." He adds shortly.

You murmured an 'okay', and left it at that. You both stayed silent for the rest of the period, fiddling around to look like you both were planning things. Luckily the teacher hadn't looked your way so you both were safe from talking for the time being.

You tried not make so obvious that you were nervous by not doing things you'd usually do when you were nervous. Kenma was extremely perceptive, from the 10 months you were dating him, you figured that out time by time again.

So you decided to say something in compensation for the awkwardness between you to. It was ridiculous on how he was the one who cheated on you, but hadn't managed to say anything for it... you were kinda glad he didn't say anything though.

Anything he said would have sounded like an excuse to you.

Anyway, it was upsetting on how you had to be the one to reach out to him to get this project done. He was the one that cheated, he should at least try to work with you to make ends meet.

"Look... I know..." I know you don't love me anymore. "I know this is hard between us, and I know you don't want to work with me." Your the one who got the short end of the stick. Having to deal with Kenma's secret, and having to work with him right after.

"But if anything. Our work shouldn't have suffer because of it. If you don't want to work with me. We can go to the teacher to change partners." You added.

"It's fine." Kenma responded quickly, as the bell rung right at that moment.

You felt hurt because it seemed to be like he paid attention to nothing but the bell ringing. Not even acknowledging that you were here. All he wanted to do was get out... get out to go meet his new girlfriend... who knows if she's new. For all you knew she could of have been with him since two months ago.

Letting out a sorrowed sigh, you left the classroom before anyone else could. You didn't want to soil the rest of your day with cleanup duty.

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