Chapter 1

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Third POV

If Kenma were to cheat... it would be subtle, but different simultaneously. Knowing how intelligent Kenma was, he would hide his secret relationship, and slowly drift away from you until you were the one break off the relationship.

It started off with the texting.

When you both were full with one another, constant texts would be sent to one another within a matter of seconds. But now... Kenma hasn't even responded to any of your text messages until much later.

Your POV

[Your Text]
9:07 PM
Wanna come hang out today? Watch a movie or just hang out?

[Kenma's Text]
11:39 PM
Sorry. Busy.

[Your Text]
11:39 PM

You understood that sometimes people just didn't have enough time. But this happened constantly.

You would occasionally invite out on the weekends, only to be declined after a few hours, maybe an hour if you were "lucky".


At school you both would talk, as usual... but Kenma was distant lately, more so than ever. He'd spare you a few glances, maybe a couple words, and be right back on his video game.

At lunchtime you, Kenma, and Kuroo sat outside. Attempting to make conversation while eating, you spoke up: "How has your day been so far?"

Testing the waters only slightly for any unfamiliar movement, but in this case, any unfamiliar responses.

"Classes are okay." Responds Kuroo with a signature close eyed grin, putting his hand up in 'okay' signal.

"Mhm." Hums Kenma vaguely... too vaguely. Kenma wasn't much to talk, but he definitely didn't treat you like this before. Maybe you were over thinking it, yeah... maybe. Worst will come to worst when the chances of him wanting to drift from you come to light.

You silently digest the responses from both, and turn back to silently eat at your food as Kenma, and Kuroo successfully make conversation with one another.

At this moment. You don't feel wanted.


[Your Text]
5:03 PM
Want to come over? I bought apple pie.

You had sent that text five hours ago. The apple pie you made was yet to be eaten.

Huffing out a depressing sigh, you turned over to charge your phone, and let it rest, making sure to check if the alarm was ready for tomorrow, before heading to sleep.

You turned to the side, away from your phone only to hear a notification come from it, moving quickly, throwing off all the sadness you've been feeling, hope flittered your being for a second until you checked what it was.

It was just a notification from YouTube.

Letting out another sad sigh, you turned away again, and slept on your side away from your phone.

Closing your eyes slightly with a flutter to block the tears from coming. You only thought of the memories you, and Kenma used to have.

There was a time where you had a bad period, and you weren't able to move very much. Kenma assisted by staying at your side, and cooing your way through the painful, painful cramps. He crawled his fingers through your hair, he peppered your forehead with kisses, and gladly make you food with tender loving care.

And where you both had ate together at a bakery. You made sure to look for the bakery with the best apple pie, knowing it was Kenma's favorite food. When you both got there, you surprised him by having apple pie by his side the moment he got there. You could tell he enjoyed the delectable by the way he strayed his eyes away from his portable game console, and to the dessert the whole time, along with spending moments with you.

Another time where you both confessed to one another as you rode the Ferris wheel together. He had put his PSP away to shyly look you in the eye, only to have you both say the same thing at the same time...

That you loved each other's eyes.

Before you knew it, tears filtered from the tear ducks, and you couldn't stop the ongoing flow of sadness. Sobs filled the room along with sorrowful, muffled cries.

You wanted him to be here... no matter how late. To run his tender hands through your hair, to pepper gentle kisses along the crown of your head, and to spend time with you.

You missed him so much.

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