Chapter 30

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Your POV

Inferiority complex check.

Terushima left you for another girl.

Kenma cheated on you with another girl.

Your past love interests could not get any worse. Guess you know what Alexis meant by shit taste in men.

"Y/n?" Diane's soft voice comes in, shattering you out of your reverie when you flinch. Head whipping behind you to get a good look at the other girl.

"Yeah?" You murmur, wiping away the tears that have filled up into your tired eyes.

Sleep would be a very good thing to get for tonight.

"Eban says that the next round for you is coming up soon. In about thirty." She slides her arms to rest on the cushions behind you, watching you carefully.

Fuck that. You wanna actually just fuck it all. But you've come this far, can't give up now.

"I'll be there. Where are the others?"

"Gennai came back from, and he told me a few things; gonna leave us for the demons now?" She asks accusingly with a frown, while tilting her head.

Demons being Kenma.

"No no Diane." You slide a smile onto your face, easily overcoming the angst. "He said he wanted to spend the day with me." But he left halfway. Liar.

She raises a brow, skeptical. "But he left halfway, for a Minecraft stream." You explain.

She closes her eyes, inhales then exhales before opening them. "Alright!" She finally says, chipperly. Though it has a false aspect to it... that kind of scares you.

"I won't leave you guys." You slowly assure.

"Mhm." She hums, agreeing. She doesn't sound convinced.

Even when you guys head towards the elevator, and sit in there for two minutes. She remains holding that all-too-pleasant smile on her face. Though you don't say anything.

With that half assed way of convincing her, you could become a salesman!


You've finished your last round of the poker tournament. Tomorrow being the semi finals. You shake hands with the other players at your table, them congratulating you, some eyeing you enviously, others being friendly by teasing you. Either way it's a good time, a good distraction from earlier today—with Terushima and everything.

Eventually everyone has congregated into their own respective groups. Some other people have gathered around poker tables to play after tournament rounds—just for fun.

You feel tempted to join them but Diane, Alexis and Zion are standing at the top of the rails, on the second floor that overviews the first floor of the lobby, just slightly askew by the large open door. You would much rather join them, as you haven't seen or talked to them all day.

Just to the left of them is Kenma and his friends, also looking over the first floor. He's off onto the side with, with Kuroo and Yaku. You don't bother to give them another look once you've caught Yaku's attention. But you can tell that he's searching, waiting for an opening to come greet you, or mingle, whatever he wanted.

Up the rails you go, you hold onto the golden rails, tripping up just slightly as the rail falters under your weight.

You were gonna have to ask Eban to get that fixed.

And as you let go of the cheap ass faulty railing, you walk right past them, right to your friends, without another look.

Even as Kuroo raises his hand high for a high-five, with a token, stupid cheery grin crossing his face.

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