Chapter 5

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Author Note:

B/n/# - Boys name number
Ex: B/n/1 - Boys name one
G/n/# - Girls name number
Ex: G/n/1 - Girls name one

Third POV

It had finally happened. You broke up with Kenma, and he was finally able to live on with his life without the stress of keeping his secret.

You had finally broken apart from Kenna, and was suffering the consequences of a broken heart.

Your POV

Trying to keep from crying again in class was difficult. For one thing you couldn't pay attention to the lesson without a little voice in your head constantly bugging you about Kenna, not to mention, you had your next class with him. Luckily you didn't sit besides him so that was always nice...

Before knowing that Kenna cheated, you'd always hope to be sat next to him, or maybe partners with him on a project. That was always a case, where whenever you'd want something so badly, but you'd never be able to get it. Sometimes it was the opposite, where you'd never want something, but get it anyway.

What if—no—but what if you got paired up with Kenma next coming class? You did hear from the last period students that they'd have a partner project.

The next class was the last period of the day, and you hoped that the rest of your day wouldn't be ruined by being paired with Kenam. Then again, what were the chances?—very little supposedly.

Without another thought passing by, the bell had rung and everyone gripped at their school things, and left.

You began to pack up too, leaving behind the classroom, and heading to the next.

"Hey Y/n," a familiar voice takes place right before you're walking into your next class. You turn around to see the same familiar male from lunch. "You good now?" B/n/1 asked.

"Oh..." you said dimwittedly. "Yes." You added soon right after, nodding along lightly. You hadn't really expected anyone to ask if you were okay, but it was nice knowing at least someone cared.

"Come have lunch with us tomorrow if you don't have anything better to do." G/n/1 comes up from behind him, the one who got her shirt dirty earlier today.

"Sure." You reply.

You depart from them with rushed goodbyes as the bell rings seconds after. Poor G/n/1, and B/n/1, hopefully they get to their class.

The teacher then arrives moments later, announcing a partner project for the start of the period.

"I've chosen who will be paired with who. And for the period of time, take place next to them." She says. Everyone gets up from their seat, and stands at the back of the room, awaiting who will be their partner.

You follow suite, and find yourself standing three people away from Kenma, who's starring awkwardly into the floor.

Time passes by, and the teacher calls out pairing by pair, and they take their places in desks chosen by themselves.

Finally, when there is at least half the classroom left, the teacher calls out your own name.

"Y/n, and Kozume."

It seems like the room has stopped. Time has struck. Sound is off, just a low buzz. And in the corner of your eye you see Kenma peering at you quietly.

You turn to face him, trying to hide your shock.

He looks away from you, and then walks off to a seat in the back near the window. You follow behind him, and sit in the seat in front of him.

Well, one of your most unfortunate times had come, and this is definitely enough misfortune for two lives.

At least two lives in the world are living out happy times... while you taken the grunt of the unhappiness but on the bright side, you had to work with Kenma.... you had only wished you'd work with him when you were still dating.

The teacher finished off calling everyone's pairs, and scanned the room for any spare students. After agreeably nodding to no one who seemed to be out put, she began to explain the project.

Saying that we had to make a poster on Japan's environment during a specific, self chosen season.

She announced she'd supply us with mandatory materials, and began to take out posters, boards, and notebook pens out of her storeroom closet.

Students gathering around to take one of each supplies, they all hurried back after to discuss ideas to their opposing partner.

You had been the one to bring the supplies back, quietly decided by no one but yourself, since you didn't want to bother taking to Kenma... you'd just be a bother...

This only would take an optimum of a week. Hoping you could bear with it, you placed the supplies to rest against the side of your desk, and turned your chair around to face Kenma.

"So... what season do you want to do?" You ask, trying to maintain a casual tone. Though failing due to being so use to his very presence.

"Whatever you want..." he responded lowly.

When Kenma was like this, it meant he didn't care as much about it. Oh boy, was his going to be complicated.

Haikyuu Cheater Kenma X ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara