they say im useless

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Hated Dreamnap August.
As soon as Dream and Sapnap came out to the public and friends they instly got hate thanks to Dreams puppy love flirting with George he ment absolutely nothing by doing. Constent death threats, the Dream smp all falled apart its now  just Dream and Sapnap... nobody joins anymore sometimes they catch the builder on and she acts friendly to them she is the only  one that didn't distance themselves from the two new boyfriends. She actually apartly always shaped them that's why most of the smp hated her.. she and George constantly  argued resulting in 'Georgenotfound was kill with  magic' death messges in chat flooded.

"Well boys.. I'm sorry that everyone abounded you just due to you falling in love!" Exe said.

"It's fine exterbite, atlest you didn't we can make a new Dream team and start and new smp!" Dream said with an once of happiness.

"Mhm, life comes with ups and down, we have to stick togather and power through!" Sapnap said.

Chat:KarlJackups joined the game

Chat:Quackity joined the game

Chat:Georgenotfound joined the game

The tiro of jealously, Quackity  and Karl apparently  fell inlove with Sapnap for real...George fell inlove with Dream.

The three came running up to the tiro that will talking.

"Well Well well.. isn't it through tiro that single  handly killed the server?" Exe said flying due to her being in creative  mode.

"Oh shut up exe! You are just the annoying  builder" George scoffed.

"Ay don't call her annoying!" Dream said.

"Wait is there now a new Dreamteam or have yall became a threesome" Quackity said in clear jealously  in his voice.

"Ah yeah were the new Dreamteam! Ovisolsy  since George is so incompet just because Dream liked Sapnap instead  of him he got replaced" Exe said landing the middle of them.

"You are all utterly  useless! You ligit have no fanbase because you lead us on!!" George complained.

"Try that again  in a mirror!" Exe roared getting a Dimond sarrowed that was an insta kill.

"How unoriginal  Marllo" Karl said "honestly they all useless!"

"M..maybe they are right! Maybe we are useless!" Dream said "but atleast we didn't fuck up a whole smp just because your crushes didn't like you  back".

Dream hugged Sapnap, Sapnap never did well with hate or being called name like useless worthless or mistake thanks to his past.

"Shut up! You George  of anyone should know Saps past" Exe said "you were so close but you ruin that! Over fucking jealously".

"Weak that's what I call that" she added.

"Marllo this is our battle not yours" Dream said.

"I help my friends, I don't care if pepole  hate me! I am resilient to hate and banter come at me you hateing fucks!" Mar said.

Dream and Sapnap never seen her be this protective, Sapnap was crying into his boyfriends cheat having a panic attack.

"Marllo, you are on the wrong side!" Quackity argued.

Mar took a deep breath "I know you are streaming, and you don't know my connections that I have outside of the smp" Mar said.

"You... how the hell did you know we were streaming?" Karl protested.

"I have everyone on twitch  followed alts normal accounts and secert accounts" Mar said.

They just signed  of knowing they got caught.

"Sap it's going to be alright" Dream said softly.

"T..they called me useless" Sapnap said he said crying More.

"Sapnap.. listen pepole will be dicks and say things to get under your skin! Alright  you are not useless, worthless a mistake, whatever you may have been called" Mar said "you and Dream both are the strongest stubborn kings I know and aren't afriend  to fight of you have to! I've always admired how you guys  protect your friends, Expiclly  echother".

Dream softly smiled at Mar same with Sapnap.

"Plus if they say that over what happend, they weren't real friends to begin with" Mar added.

"Thank you Mar, you've always been there for us when you are needed" Dreamnap said.

"Always will be! Need anything I'm a messge a call away" Mar said "hell if you want me in Arizona with you guys I will hop on my private jet and fly to the front lawn".

The boys laugh "Glade we haired you to build for us" Sapnap said.

She smiled her pull tail wagging "me to! Just so you know I've been in the chat of your streams modding if I'm not flying around on the  smp" Mar said.
Kinda cute and sad... Mar the real mvp bro🤣

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