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there's this big rumour going around that samuel o'connells parents split up. he didn't show up to school the rest of the day yesterday and he was excused from detention on wednesday and monday. i wasn't but whatever, i'm not the topic right now. apparently his dad has been cheating on his mom with his assistant for 6 months now. it's just a rumour so it's probably not true. he hasn't shown up to school the rest of the week.

i don't know who to believe. i will never believe a rumour unless i've heard it from the person or seen proof or i am 100%. people have been calling him names such as 'orphan' which doesn't make any fucking sense. his parents didn't die. fucking morons these people. they're only talking about him because he's not here but they would never dare to say it to his face.

if it was anyone else, i would feel bad and i guess a part of me does feel bad because i'm not a heartless person like sam is. i don't know, i guess i do feel bad. a lot. no one deserves for that to happen, i wouldn't wish that upon anyone. but then again, just a rumour. don't believe anyone.

today is saturday and i have work. my dad thankfully spent the night somewhere other than home, probably on the side of the highway snorting crack with a crackhead. i woke up with no sounds of yelling, sex, glass breaking and my personal favourite, not getting beaten up. i hope it's one of the days where he doesn't show up for a week and i can get my shit together and forget about him, and then he comes back. same as always.

"welcome to caffeine and co., what can i get for you today?" i ask a mother who has a baby clinging on her waist and two other kids next to her both watching 'cocomelon' on their moms phone. damn. remind me to never get knocked up.

"hey doll, can i get a cap with no sugar, 2 muffins and some apple sauce." she tells me as she looks through her wallet and hands me a $20 bill. "i'll be at table 3."

AYO WTFFFF i'm so pissed, i wrote this whole chapter and i'm rereading my story and it shows it's not here. omg i'm so mad rn. okay basically what happens here bc i'm not bothered rewriting it,
cecilia sits at a table and does what she needs to do for school and shit and then moments later samuel comes in all #emo and #brocken 😔🔫😩💀💔🖤 and they have a cute moment but it's rly subtle, she tells him that she's sorry for his parents and he kept asking why she has bruises and shit on her and she doesn't answer, he asked even though he already knew, he just wanted to hear it from her. anyways🤪, she then gets a call from her bastard cunt living breathing hippo of a father🥸🧔🏻‍♂️🍻 and then he yells at her to come home immediately ‼️ and get booze 🥃😩🤨🥸 and she realises she physically😏 can't get any bc she's only 18 so she asks samuel if he's got any bc he has a lot of parties at his house 🏠😚😋 and he basically interrogated her why she needs it😩 and she just said that she feels like it and even though he didn't believe her for a second that she wanted it for herself he still wants to help her like the daddy he is 😏🥵🤪😍🤍so he told her to follow him and they left the cafe and now they're on cute little adventure 🤪❤️]

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