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"other than that, that's all i know of the situation." i tell the officer as i'm in the interrogation room.

i'm sick. i feel sick and i feel drained and i just want it to be over.

i want it all to be over.

the officer gives a comforting smile and hands me another tissue. "you did good, cecilia."

i force a smile.

"do you know when your father will be home?"

i shake my head. "no."

"is there anything else you know?" she asks me just as we are about to rap it up.

i haven't talked about the abuse, and the rape.

i should.

samuel told me to.

i shake my head again. "no."

"alright, thanks for your time-" she starts and then i cut her off.

"wait." i let out which comes out as a sob. "there's something else."

she gives an empathetic look and sits down. she nods her head and takes out her notebook.

"he beats me." i sob quietly.

"when does he beat you?" she asks softly.

"every chance he gets. every time he sees me." i cry softly.

"what does he do when he beats you, darling?"

"he chokes, punches, kicks, whips and slaps." i admit to her pausing in between each word to take a breath. this is the hardest thing i've had to deal with concerning me.

i've never talked to anyone about this, sure samuel knows but i've never gone into detail.

she nods symbolising me to go on.

"and, sometimes, very often he will throw a glass bottle on my head or pull out a knife," i struggle to explain. "but he won't actually do anything with the knife."

she nods once more and keeps writing. "is there anything else?"

i pause for a second to catch my breath and then nod.

"he lets his friends rape me." i cry, "whenever his friends are here, they always force themselves onto me."

"mhm." she says quietly. "and what would happen if you refused?"

i bite my bottom lip to try to stop it from shaking. i can't fucking breathe.

"all his friends would rape me at once."

she takes a deep breath.

"and how much men estimated would do that to you?"

"there were atleast 7. 8 including my dad."

"has your father ever raped you?" she asks quietly,

i shake my head, no. "no, but when they do it to me at the same time... he would sit and watch. and laugh."

she gasps quietly.

"we're going to save you, hun." she comforts and comes to my side of the table. she pulls me in for a hug and lightly rests her chin on my forehead. "i'm sorry." she lets out a small sniff.

"i have a daughter, your age, and i can't ever imagine how you would feel." she tells me. "i'm so terribly sorry."

i nod and smile. "thank you."

"what does that young man out there have to do with anything?"

"i just had no one else to call."

she pulls me in for another hug.

we walk out and nod my chin at the door to samuel mentally telling him that we can leave.

he stands up and puts one hand on my cheek to turn my attention on him. he gets a good look of my face and asks. "you okay?"

i nod. my face goes all swollen and red when i cry and i look like a chipmunk.

the officer from the interrogation room interrupts us by asking me, "do you have a place to sleep tonight, hun?"

before i can say no, samuel steps in. "yeah. yes she does."

"we need you to come in tomorrow after school if that's fine." she continues to tell me and then whispers, "we're getting your father tonight and his friends, i promise you, you're gonna be fine."

i nod. "thank you."

"let's get out of here." i tell him and we walk out.

𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀 | ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora