Riddhima's Birthday

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Here Riddhima is married with Vansh forcefully. Kabir is Vansh's own brother and Anupriya is positive.

VR Mansion

It was a beautiful morning. Anupriya was busy in the kitchen with Chanchal . Ishani Aryan Siya  Kabir and Angre were in the garden. They were discussing something Vansh entered and they were talking (muted conversation ).

Riansh bedroom
Riddhima was sleeping her beauty sleep was broken by sun's rays which was disturbing her .She woke up with a jerk and went to washroom as she overslept. She took a warm shower and went downstairs .

Riddhima helped Anupriya and Chanchal .

Riddhima: Sorry Maa and Chachi I am late today I overslept.

Anupriya and Chanchal glared her and Riddhima was scared. They both laughed Riddhima was confused.

Anupriya: If Ishani and Siya overslept we both will not tell anything and same goes to you.

Chanchal: Yes you are daughter of this house not daughter in law.

Riddhima was very happy and was shedding happy tears. They both wiped Riddhima's tears and said now why are you crying you thought us as hitler MIl .

Riddhima: No you both are best.

All youngsters entered and said you forgot us .

Anupriya: No we didn't forget you all .

Chanchal: Excatly but Riddhima is best  .

All whinned and Riddhima was giggling.

Anupriya: OK come and have your breakfast.

Riddhima: Maa I want to go to temple

Anupriya: You can go beta but for any specific puja is there or what.

Riddhima didn't replied and was thinking something.

Riddhima's MV
Today is my birthday but I am very upset how I will celebrate it without my Seju . She went to Dubai yesterday only she can't wait for 1 day also . No one knows that today is my birthday I don't want to say them and they all will be guilty that they didn't know and they will keep a party which I don't want.

Vansh jerked Riddhima and she came out of her trance .

Vansh: Riddhima where are you lost Maa is asking you something.

Riddhima:No where maa I just want to go can I go .

Anupriya: OK beta but with Vansh

Riddhima tried to say something but Anupriya said its final .

Vansh winked Kabir and went with Riddhima to the temple.

They reached the temple. Vansh was just staring Riddhima and they both worshipped and took blessings .Riddhima went to bring the Prasad.

Vansh I know sweetheart where were you lost .

Vansh's MV
I know sweetheart today is your birthday you are upset as Sejal went to Dubai. I have many surprises for you and today Ishani Siya me Kabir and Angre prepared a surprise and a party for you .

Riddhima came and broke his trance .

Vansh took Riddhima to orphanage they spent a quality of time with her and they went to Mall

Some girls were jealous ss great VR is walking with a girl and some men's were looking Riddhima with lust . Vansh being possesive pulled her by waist . They spent some time . Kabir called Vansh that everything is done.

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