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Word Count- 1520
Warnings- None

"Yeah, I just wish she wasn't so fucking needy. It's like I'll come home and she'll want my attention from the moment I step in the door,"
Walking into the studio that Von and the other boys were recording in, you didn't expect to hear your boyfriend complaining about you to them.
"It's just so damn annoying and I..I just want space from her,"
Oh....That one stung.
"I don't think you mean that," Your eyes shifted to the other male that had spoken upon noticing you. Muwop shot you a few glances and you knew he was trying to get Von to say something different. "You're just stressed, right?"
"Yeah, but she isn't making it any better for me," Von mumbled, eyeing the boy with curiosity, "Why do you keep looking at the doo-" His breath caught in his throat at the sight of you standing there, carefully setting down the bags of snacks you brought for him and the boys. The others shifted their gazes back and forth from you to Von. The tension in the room was suddenly thick enough to cut with a knife. They were expecting you to say something. He was expecting you to say something. They weren't, however, expecting you to simply walk out the room without saying a word.
"No, Wait," Von's voice cracked slightly, his movements frantic as his body shot up and towards the door.
"Von," Durk's use of his name had him faltering as his hands clasped the handle of the door, "We have the deadline for the album coming soon and we can't miss anymore time. I'm really sorry...but you have to stay for now,"
"What do you mean stay?" Von's brows furrowed, "I have to tell her I didn't mean it,"
"She just witnessed you practically saying that you do," Louie's words didn't seem to make the situation any better.
"I can't just leave this the way it is then" He threw his arms up in frustration.
"This is your job...You kind of have to for now. You'll see her at home later tonight and then you can explain things ," Von knew Durk was right and could only let out a groan of frustration before looking towards the food that you had brought. The bags were filled with their favorite snacks and a small note was taped outside telling them to do their best with little smiley faces and heart drawn around the words. His heart felt warm at first at how much effort you would put for him and the others but then he was feeling guilty about saying what he said.
Hours passed before finally he was standing in front of the door of your shared apartment. To say that the moments after you had left were bad would be an understatement. They were horrible. His mind was only filled with you and the thought that he had hurt you. Because of this, he had messed up a few times , and an order to stay longer and record more. When he was finally allowed to leave, it was 11pm.
Now, it was 11:25pm and he found his hands shaking slightly as he opened the door and wandered inside, calling out your name as he did so. He was confused when he got no response and found that all the lights were off. That was odd. You usually slept past midnight, either due to waiting up for Von or so that you could study and do schoolwork.
You probably went to bed early because you were mad.
His feet felt heavy as he trudged towards your bedroom, knocking lightly at the door. Unsurprisingly, he didn't get a response once again. With a deep sigh, he turned the knob and let himself inside, body freezing when he didn't see your figure in bed. Immediately, he was dialing your number.
"Your call has been forward to an automated voice message system..."
He tried again.
"Your call has been forward to an automated voice message system..."
"Your call has been forward to an automated voice message system..."
He tossed his phone on to the bed and ran a hand through his hair.
Where were you? Did you leave him? Your clothes were still here. Were you going to leave him? Hundreds of thoughts filled his head as hot tears welled up in his eyes. Why did he have to say anything earlier? He didn't want space from you. He loved the fact that you would wait for him and give him hugs and kisses, telling him that he was doing great. Sure, there were times where he wanted to just come home and go straight to sleep but that didn't change the fact that he got filled with joy at seeing you.
Ugly sobs filled the room as sat down on the edge of the bed. He had been holding all the stress from promotions and practice and now coupled with his current situation with you, it was all flowing out.
He wasn't sure how long he was crying for but he knew it was late when he finally had calmed down, his noises reduced to the occasional sniffle. His body felt drained and despite loathing the empty bed, void of you, he found himself sliding underneath the sheets, eyes that were heavy with sleep closing and leading him into a slumber.
It was 3:45 in the morning when you had let yourself back into the apartment. Your eyes trailed over Von's bag that laid against the hallway that led to the living room. You wondered how long he had been home and if he had even bothered to call or text you while you were out. Your phone had been dead for hours but you doubted the fact that he would have called, considering how he was feeling towards you. You set your own bag, filled with books that you were using to study at your university's library, next to Von's before walking further into your apartment.
"I guess I'm sleeping on the couch," You sighed, glancing at the uncomfortable looking furniture. You remembered when you bought it. Von was in love with the way it looked but you absolutely hated it. It was grey leather and sitting on it was the absolute worst feeling ever. The only time you liked using that couch was when Von was there with you, holding you close to him as you laid on it together. You knew that wasn't going to happen tonight though, so instead, you made your way to your bedroom to grab your pajamas. Your movements were quiet as you pushed the door to the room open, spotting Von sleeping soundly.
Or at least that's what you thought at first. As you walked towards your closet, you made out the sound of groans and whimpers leaving Von's lips and couldn't help but look over at the boy. He was clutching the sheets, eyebrows furrowed as heavy breaths left his lips.
"_____," Your body stiffened at the sound of your name.
He was having a nightmare about you.
Despite your better judgement, you found your body leading you towards him.
"Von," Your hand gently placed itself on his shoulder, shaking him slightly, "Wake Up," You continued calling out to him, tapping his face lightly before, finally, his eyes shot open.
"_____?" He sat up, panting, and before you could process it, he had tackled you in a hug.
"I'm so sorry about what I said. I swear to God I didn't' mean it. I love you so much lil folks and I can't lose you. Please don't leave me, mamas " The last sentence came out quiet but it was loud enough for you to hear, making your heart hurt. Did he think you were going to leave him? You hadn't even noticed he was crying until his face was burying itself into your neck. Was he really this upset over what had happened?
"Dayvon," You let out a small sigh and moved your arms to rest on his back, rubbing comforting figures over his body, "It's okay,"
"No, It's not. I hurt you and said all those things and-"
"Ssssh," You cut him off and pulled away to get a look at him. You gave him a sad smile as you brought your hands forward to wipe his tear stained cheeks. He looked like a mess, "We'll talk about it in the morning, okay?" He found himself nodding at your words, letting you help him lay back into bed before placing a kiss on his cheek. Your arms wrapped around his torso, holding him in an embrace that felt just right.
"I really am sorry," He sighed softly, earning a nod from you. You knew he felt bad and you knew you both wanted to hash this thing out but seeing how Von was acting in the current moment, it was best to deal with it later when you both had clear minds.
"I know," You gave him a small smile, "It's okay. Let's just sleep for now,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"

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