Too Little Too Late

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It would have been a lie to say, the past few weeks after the break up weren't painful

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It would have been a lie to say, the past few weeks after the break up weren't painful. In just one day, your whole life was turned upside down and everything you believed in was proved to be wrong. The person you thought you could trust the most turned out to be the one to betray you. You gave him your heart and he crushed it without wavering.

  What bothered you the most wasn't the fact that he had been cheating on you, but it was the fact that you didn't notice it. You didn't see it coming at all. Instead of being angry at him, you were angry and frustrated with yourself. More than anyone, you blamed yourself for being foolish enough not to see through his lies. You had let all your guards down for him and it turned out to be a huge mistake. Were you really that stupid or did you avert your eyes from the truth?

However, time didn't stop just because you were heartbroken. Life went on and no matter how hard it was, you had to continue with your life. You busied yourself with work so you wouldn't have to think about him anymore. You didn't want to waste even one second on that bastard. You were doing alright, considering the circumstances.

You hadn't spoken to Von since the day you found out that he was an unfaithful liar. He tried to contact you. He called you, more than a couple of times actually, but you chose to ignore it. He left you voice messages but you deleted them before even listening to them. You wanted him out of your life. There was only so much that you could take.

You didn't know how you'd react if you saw him again. Would you burst out into tears? Would you shout and yell at him? Or would you even give him a slap? You weren't sure, nor were you eager to find out. Some things just weren't meant to be and you had accepted that, though you had to learn it the hard way.


As if you life didn't suck enough you had to endure a lecture from your superior even though you didn't even do anything wrong. You took the fall for one of your colleagues who failed to finish his part of the project. However, you didn't do it out of loyalty or anything like that, it was a strategic move. You were the daughter of the CEO; so you were safe, which didn't apply to your colleague. He had gone to hell and back in order to land a position on the executive board and you didn't want to him to lose it over such a tiny matter.

The only thing you looked forward to now was a hot bath and some rest, but it seemed as if the world was against you today. When you saw Von standing in front of the door to your apartment, you wanted to turn around and leave immediately, but it was too late. He had already seen you.

You let out a long breath, bracing yourself for what would happen next.

"Don't waste your breath. I don't wanna hear it," you told him straight forward without batting an eye. You tried your best to remain calm and collected, although you wanted nothing more than to rip out his hair and strangle him. But if he noticed how nervous you were, you'd lose.

"Solána, please," he begged.

You ignored him and took one step closer to your door, typing in your pin code.

"You changed it," he then said with a trace of gloom in his voice.

"Yeah, to prevent unwelcome guests like you," you retorted coldly.

"Sol," he called you again, this time by your nickname. His voice was firm, yet gentle. He was the only one to call you like that and hearing that abbreviation of your name after such a long time again, reminded you of the time you had spent together. However, there was something disturbing about recalling a warm memory and feeling utterly cold.

As he saw the expression on your face, he felt content with himself. That was exactly the reaction he was aiming for. Even though he ended up piercing a knife through your heart, no one could deny that you two had something special, not even you.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to hear me out because you deserved better than that."

You turned your head to him, staring at him for a moment, before you let out a long sigh. "Fine." After you had opened the door, you took a step inside and signaled him with your hands to come in.

"Don't expect me to make your coffee or something like that."

"I am sorry," he said slowly, his eyes resting on you.

You waited for him to add something, but instead you were surrounded by silence. "That's it?" You let out a scoff in disbelief while rolling your eyes. "No excuses?" You asked in a mocking tone, "to be honest I'm a bit disappointed. I expected you to come up with a somewhat creative lie."
"I did you wrong and I'm sorry," he extended his apology.

"Why?" You then asked shortly.

He dropped his gaze down onto the floor, gripping his bottom lip between his thumb and index finger. He didn't know how to answer. "....I don't know," he slowly shook his head.

"Don't you think you at least owe me an explanation?"

"I don't understand myself."

"Do you love her?"

He shook his head in response.

"Then what the fuck was it? What did she give you that I couldn't? Otherwise it just doesn't make any sense!" You slowly began to lose your patience with him.
"She needed me," he then said in a whisper.

"What?" You stared at him utterly confused.

"You were doing fine by yourself. You're the heiress of one of Atlanta's biggest conglomerates. I'm just a high school drop out, trying to make it in the music scene. You managed everything just fine by yourself. All of the obstacles, you overcame them on your own. Financially, emotionally, physically, you didn't need me. I was just an accessory that had to look nice next to you. You didn't need me for anything and I felt useless...I guess I couldn't handle that." He turned his eyes back to you, waiting for your reaction he swallowed hard.

"But I wanted you," you spoke, after digesting what he had just entrusted you. "And I loved you."

"Past tense," he noticed, letting out a bitter chuckle.

You let out a semi bitter laugh, not believing that what you're hearing is correct. Crossing your arms over your chest and tilting your head to the side you let out a small sigh. "I still love you and I always will. But I can't trust you anymore and I won't lower myself just to boost up your ego."

He nodded his head, accepting your decision.

"I'm sorry," he said again.

"You can apologize all you want but it's not going to be the same. But your apology can be accepted," you replied and there was a spark of hope in his eyes.

"But that's it. Don't expect more."

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