Not In Love

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Your things were ready; they were packed and not a single sock was stuffed somewhere in his bed

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Your things were ready; they were packed and not a single sock was stuffed somewhere in his bed. If he didn't say it today, then you were gone. You and Von had been together for the past five years. Five years! That's half a decade with someone. And it was with someone who couldn't even say the words 'I love you'. You didn't know why he never could say it, in fact, you had gotten so used to saying it just by yourself that you often forgot he never said it back. Enough was enough.

          But in case he did finally say the words, you kept your bags hidden from view. You were already preparing for a fight, because that's how these conversations always went, but you didn't need him knowing you were leaving until you wanted him to. Sitting on the couch in his living room, you had your elbows on your knees and your mouth against your clasped hands as you waited patiently for him to come home.

       The sound of his door unlocking came after ten minutes and you stood up, flattening out your clothes. There was some shuffling and heavy sighing and then he appeared. He was exhausted. You could see it all over him. His eyes were drained and his movement was slow and impatient. This was probably the worst of times to talk to him about this but it needed to happen. You waited five years, you weren't going wait a second longer.

       "Hey." You mumbled, staying still in your place by the couch. Von barely glanced your way as he walked passed you and into his bedroom. You inhaled sharply, trying to stay calm because you didn't want to escalate the situation before it even started. Because you didn't want to push him though, you let him do whatever he needed in the bedroom before he came back out.

        When he finally did, he had changed out of his day clothes and into a wife beater and sweat pants. He entered the kitchen still not having acknowledged you. Deciding he's had enough time, you follow behind him and lean against the frame into the kitchen, "Von." His back was to you as he searched the fridge for food, "Did you throw away the take-out?" He asked. You contained your growing irritation, "It was a week old. You never get around to left overs and it was taking up room in the fridge."

             Von shook his head and attempted to slam the fridge door but it slowed on its' own before closing, "I was planning on getting around to it tonight." He replied, his voice reaching its own level of irritation. Normally, you would have argued back but tonight was not the night to argue over food; there was something more important to talk about.

         "Von." You repeated, "Is there anything you want to say to me?" Von finally looked at you, his expression hard, "Stop throwing the food I pay for away." Gritting your teeth, you scoffed in disbelief to yourself, "That's not what I mean." Von threw his arms into the air, "Then what Niani? Am I supposed to read your mind and know exactly what you want me to say?"
"Von, I love you!" You raised your voice, trying to make him understand. Von sighed, lowering his head, "I don't want to do this tonight." "Then when, Von, huh? A couple days from now? Next month? Another five years?!" The rage had finally reached its breaking point and you were now an avalanche fury.

         "I'm done waiting! I have given you five years of my life, my love, and you continue to dismiss it and treat me like I'm just some girl you screw on your days off! I'm sick of it, Von!" Your voice lowered and you now were speaking in a calmer tone, "I love you and you know it. But Von, if you can't say the words, or refuse to say them, then I'm leaving tonight."

           Von's head raised, his eyes searched your face, "Bullshit." Shaking your head, you made way to the hallway and pulled out your packed things, bringing them to Von's attention. You looked him in the eyes when he was finished confirming that you were packed and ready to leave. "Say it, Von. Just say you love me, I know you do, you wouldn't have spent these past five years with me if you didn't."

           But the look on Von's face told you otherwise. As if he was possessed, Von's expression became emotionless and then his mouth opened and he said the worst thing he could ever say, "I don't love you. Never have, never will." Your heart was breaking into a million tiny pieces in your chest. Had he chose to just stay silent and let you believe he had trouble saying the words, it would have been different, but he just blatantly told you that you were nothing to him.
"What?" You barely managed to squeak out. Von straightened, his face stoic, "I'm not in love with you. You want me to talk, fine, I'll talk." Von approached you but never touched you, "You are just some girl I come home to screw. I never meant for you to get comfortable here, or with me, and I sure as shit never wanted you to love me because I will never love you back." His words were harsh and hitting you hard, "But you're so damn persistent. I couldn't get rid of you and I finally just decided to deal."

          You glared at him, tears threatening to escape but you refused to cry in front of him, "You're so full of shit." Von blinked but didn't respond. Still holding eye contact, your fingers brushed against the top of your suitcase. Grabbing it hard, your knuckles turning white, you hissed, "Fuck you, Von." Pulling your bags off the floor and over your shoulders, you fought to get them untangled and made way for the door.

          He didn't say another word as you opened his door and stepped out. For a second you paused, in case all the things he had just said were to hurt you and he didn't mean it, but you knew that wasn't the case. He didn't love you and he was happy to see you gone. Not giving him another look back, you slammed the door behind you, regretting the past five years of your life.

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