Abandoned (Fluff)

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A/N: This is set in an AU where the Killing Game doesn't exist.

Summary: Kokichi always liked exploring abandoned buildings and spaces, so he thought he would invite you along.

Yeah, you did agree to go on adventures with Kokichi very frequently, but what you didn't expect was walking along a quiet road in the early hours of the morning in the middle of nowhere with cars every so often racing past. Your eyes were still adjusting, waking from a heavy sleep, but the blanket of darkness covering the sky did defiantly help you adjust to your surroundings.

"Come on Y/N, just a bit further! The hole should be somewhere nearby.." Kokichi stated in front of you. His hand was attached to yours, slightly dragging you along.

"Kokichi.. we've been walking for 20 minutes straight.. are you sure you've got the right location..? You said with slight tiredness in your voice, trying so hard not to permanently shut your eyes as your feet dragged along the gravel beneath you.

Kokichi gazed around, searching for the small hole in the gate. On the other side of the fence was a small strip of grass, followed by an array of trees, bushes and brush. The streetlights highlighted the road, with the golden light illuminating the road ahead, Kokichi spotted the small gap in the fence just big enough to see from afar.

"Oh shush Y/N. Thanks to me, I have found the hole in the gate!" Kokichi turned to you pointing in the direction to where the gap in the fence was. He had a smile painted across his face as he ushered you to follow him yet again.

You followed in Kokichi's footsteps, soon arriving underneath the illuminated streetlight.

"You go first Y/N~" Kokichi lifted the small hole, just big enough for you to fit through. He gestured you forwards with a smirk across his face.

You sighed, not even bothering to reply. You got on your hands and knees and began to crawl through the gap.

Soon after, with the snap of the iron fence falling back into place and into where it originally was, Kokichi stood beside you and once again marched in front of you, grasping your hand again as he dragged you along.

"Now Y/N, I don't want you to get hurt because there are thorns in these bushes... So please stay with me." Kokichi said slightly turning his head to you and giving you a genuine smile.

"Okay.." You replied softly. With a small jerk forward, Kokichi led you through the thick brush, the two of you trying ever so carefully not to step on brush, trying to avoid the thorns and sharp twigs poking out from the sides of the imaginary path. The golden light emitting from the streetlight gradually faded behind you, as small and sharp twigs jabbed at your legs and feet. Despite this, Kokichi remained a tight grip to your hand.

"Be careful for spiders too Y/N~ Nishishi~" You heard Kokichi laugh in front of you. You ran into Kokichi that completely halted in front of you, reaching for something in his pocket. He ended up taking out a small flashlight from his pocket. With a click of a button, the thick brush illuminated ahead of you with the bright light shining against the bush.

"I'm not a pussy Kokichi." You giggled. You could feel Kokichi still slightly tugging you along the thick brush, with his hand having a tight grip around yours and his other hand holding the small flashlight ahead of the two of you.

"Jeeze Y/N, I only said that to joke with you.." You soon heard sniffles coming from the front. You rolled your eyes as a reply, not falling for antics.

"Hey, Hey, HEY! Look Y/N! see over there? There it is!" Kokichi beamed as he turned towards you. The thick brush opened upon a small field, was a large building that was ran down. Some debris was scattered all around the field as the large bowling alley sign towered over the surrounding trees, making it obnoxiously tall. With the light that beamed all across the field and out towards the building, you couldn't contain the excitement that began to bubble within you.

Kokichi Ouma x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now