Game Night (Fluff)

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Summary: You and Kokichi have a late night gaming session together to forget about the killing game for a few hours.

Because of Kokichi's behavior within the fourth trial, everyone began to break more and more away from him. But because you and Kokichi have developed a close friendship throughout the whole period of the killing game, you trusted Kokichi despite all his behaviors and actions towards others. You soon noticed that everyone was distancing themselves away from you as well, making you and Kokichi hang out with each other often and doing other activities together.

You glanced at the clock in your dorm room that was placed on your bedside table, reading 10:30pm. Your mind struggled to find items to entertain yourself with, even your console began to bore you from time to time always playing the same single player games in desperation to think about any other thought other than the reality that you were stuck in.

A sigh escaped you, remembering the events of the last trial with Gonta and Kokichi. You couldn't help but think the way that Kokichi ranted about Gonta to the rest of the cast and claiming that he practically didn't care about Gonta slightly felt off to you and gave you an unnerving feeling. Throughout the times that you hung out with Kokichi, you were able to slowly digest and study his behaviors, making it easier to spot small white lies coming from the boy. Maybe Kokichi really did care about Gonta?

You sighed again with the thoughts of Kokichi continuing to swirl within your mind.

I wonder how Kokichi is doing? You thought to yourself, staring at the handheld console that was charging on the port. Suddenly, an idea suddenly popped into your head, leading you to grab your handheld console and head out towards the exit of your dorm in a swift manner.

The dormitories were silent, with everyone locked away in their rooms and refusing to come out after the events. It was eerie, too eerie for your liking. Your footsteps echoed the dormitories as you made your way towards Kokichi's dorm room that was located next to you. You reached your hand out to knock on the door as you held the small console in your other hand, letting it rest by your side.




You could hear slow footsteps approaching the closed door from the other side. The handle slowly turned as the door slowly creaked open showing a pair of violet eyes staring at you from the other side.

"Oh, hi Y/N! why are you at my dorm?" Kokichi questioned, slowly opening the door more to reveal his full self. He continued to stand in the center of the doorway, slightly leaning on the frame of the door with a small smile showing.

You replied by holding the hand held console out to him, hoping to gain some sort of response or reaction from him.

"Do you want to play video games with me in my dorm?" You asked, starring into his eyes. "I think it will take our minds off of it." You smiled at Kokichi sincerely.

Kokichi's eyes shifted themselves to stare at your console, then began to trail back into yours. You held your smile, waiting for his answer. With a flash, you felt Kokichi's hand take your empty hand that was placed beside you. With the sudden movement, your other hand clutched the console, holding it close to your chest and staring into him with wide eyes as a slow sweat began to form across your forehead.

"I would love to Y/N!" Kokichi smiled at you as he quickly pushed in the front of you, leading you towards your own dorm room with his hand still attached to yours. You giggled, remembering to keep your voice down so that the two of you won't get caught entering. The echoes of you and Kokichi's feet bounced around the dormitories, soon silenced by the closing door of your dorm room, sealing the two of you away.

Kokichi Ouma x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now