A Stormy Day (Fluff)

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Key: (F/G = Favorite Game)

Summary: It was a nice idea to spend your evening watching the lightning and the rain with Kokichi.

Despite the breeze picking up around you, your eyes never left the game from the front of you, mashing the buttons in a gentle manner and moving the joystick to move your character, doing your daily task in (F/G). The mixture of grey and black clouds began to invade, making your eyes much easier to see the screen from the front of you since the sun hid away behind the grey clouds.

You let out a gentle and slow sigh, enjoying the coolness of the breeze that sent tingles around your body. The dark clouds continued to roll into the academy as you soon came face to face with yourself on the console screen, not expecting the clouds to be this dark already. Your hair began to fly through the wind, creating a tangled mess.

With the bitterness of the breeze and the darkened clouds approaching, you couldn't help but look up and gaze above you. The trees and bushes began to dance in the wind, leaves flying around the courtyard where you usually sat in your spare time. You suddenly heard a loud cackle sound coming from the speakers;

"Ahem, attention to all students.." Monokuma began. You turned your attention to the speaker, wondering why Monokuma would announce something in the middle of the day.

"I have noticed that a storm is approaching, but not just any storm, it's a severe storm!" Monokuma boomed over the increasing wind and the leaves zipping through the air. Your eyes shot wide for a moment before quickly packing away your handheld console into your bag.

"So, unless you want to get struck by lightning, I suggest you move indoors!" Monokuma laughed before another cackle sound was heard. You felt drops fall onto the top of your head, watching the concrete below you slowly turn wet from the incoming rain.

With your bag now on your back, you began to swiftly make your way towards your dorm room, feeling the drops of rain jump onto your skin. As you made your way, you noticed something in the corner of your eye, stuck on a thin twig that was attached to a small tree, moving with the wind around it.

It was ripped where the piece of cloth had been stabbed with the twig on the tree, leaving a hole with the twig poking through it. It appeared to be large piece of fabric with black and white checkered pattern on it. You made your way towards the tree, reached up to it and grabbed it before it flew away with the wind. You held onto the piece of clothing, staring at it while continuing your walk towards the dorm room building.

A sudden thought went to your mind;

I'm certain that this is Kokichi's scarf... I wonder how he lost it.. You thought to yourself. You tightened your grip on the scarf as you entered the dorm building. You glanced around, scouting if anyone had the same idea as you about going to their own place instead of the actual school.

Hearing the wind outside increasing and the leaves flying into the glass door of the entrance, you made your way up the stairs and entered your dorm room. As soon as you entered, you lazily chucked your bag on the bed, instantly making your way towards the window to see the stormy environment outside.

By now, the entire academy was surrounded by wind and the clouds were much darker than before, no light grey clouds in sight. Black and dark shades of grey was hovering over the academy, spitting out rain as the pavements began to form puddles and the grass evolving into mud.

You leaned on the windowsill, letting your head rest on the palm of your had as you continued to admire the storm that was supposed to be 'severe'. The occasional roar of thunder could be heard, making you jump every so often and the occasional flashes of lighting making you flinch every now and then when you didn't expect them.

Kokichi Ouma x Reader OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя