Finally Ours

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Maddy POV
Following behind her was a small omega from the near wolf pack. He had longish brown hair that hung in his eyes but you can see the fear that he tries to hide in them. Unlike our mate who walked in standing tall with a certain area. It wasn't confidence or pride, but more so purpose. She knew she was the missing  queen but she didn't act as if she was better than everyone in the room. Much different from most people that try to say they were our missing mate.

She walked up to stand beside Mr.Knotts. He quickly and quietly explained what had happened" They know everything my dear, please tell me you can help me once more."

A sweet smile graced her face" I have everything under control as usual Mr. Knotts. Everything will be just fine."

Mr.Knotts signs as Clarice walks past him to stand in front of us. Her smile never leaves her face as she bows to us" Good afternoon highnesses. It is a pleasure to stand before you though I wish it was under better circumstances."

Once again Sage speaks up" You are very skilled at hiding your feeling my love, but I know you wish to run far from here."

Clarice stands straight and gives us a small smile, almost as if telling us she was hoping we wouldn't call her out." Must we talk personally events when we have much more important matters at hand."

Marcus growled at her words " You can't pretend you don't know us. Stop being so formal."
Sarah smiles as she puts her hand on his shoulder whisperers something to him the makes him calm down just a bit. Marcus say a gruff fine before setting back and gripping the arm rest of his chair.
Clarice takes this as her time to start, but instead of talking to us she walks to the left where Mason now set." May my friend set beside you? I would like notes of this meeting for school record."
Mason smile and says yes.
Clarice turns to the omega boy who was looking at the empty seat in horror. I guess the thought of an omega setting next to the royal bata was scaring him.
Clarice simple giggled and pushed him closer " I promise he won't bite."
The omega sets and takes his computer out while muttering " that's easy for you to say."

One the omega give Clarice a nod, Clarice turns to us" Can you please state the problem at hand, seeing as I missed the first part of the meeting."
John was quiet for a moment before saying" We are prepared to rebuild your school but it won't be finished until next school semester. How do you plan to get the grades needed to finish this school year for you and your fellow students?"

Clarice smiles as you pulls out a folder from her bags. She walks it up to John and sets it in front of him. He flips in open a reads a little." What is this?"
Clarice smiles as she walks back to her spot" A list of all our students and the hours they have completed. Students need 450 hours a year of work based practice to graduate. The goal of hour are shown at the top based off what grade the student is in. You will notice that everyone is on track."
We all take a small stack of paper and read through them. John looks up from his papers" if your trying to make a point make it fast because Marcus is already on edge, waiting isn't helping."

I look at Marcus a see that his didn't pick up his papers, he was holding tight to the arm rest and cracking it under his touch.

Clarice smiles at Marcus and continue " this means we are only have a few months to make up for. Instead of our normal sponsors donations we can do field based work. Based off the students career categories we put them in a job that works best for them. The donation money would go to paying the students and teach our students financially responsibilities and real life experience. This plan works for all career categories. Think of it as job shadowing, and the experience can be put on students resumes."
By now every one in the stands smile and agree with Clarice idea. This brought great pride to me, our mate was very smart and a fast thinker. You could tell that she cared for the people of her school and her town. The thought makes me happy to have a mate who really cared for what she does.

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