Festival of Lights

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Clare's POV

I stand from my seat and start to follow Kiline off the plane. We have just landed in Canvena, the oldest fairy town, and the original fairy kingdom. We have come for the festival of lights which is held on the first day of summer to mark the sun's return from the long winter. Maddy is here to let lose the first star of the night and we all were invited as the ruling Kings and Queens. To say Maddy was less than enthused by my comment on the fact that I have yet to take the queen title so I technically don't need to go was an understatement. John was so lovely to point out that my coronation is in a month.

"Why did we have to dress nice for the plane ride, it is hard to get comfortable," I say as I do a little jump to get my dress to do a little bounce. Sarah picked out a pale yellow dress that was off the shoulder. It was lined with lace and fake flowers with a giant bow on the back. If you add in my white lace heels and sparkly flower jewelry I can't help but feel completely royal.

"Because we are going to to be welcomed by hundreds of citizens and a couple of dozen cameras. We are kinda important baby, we got to look our best." Marcus says as he shakes his messy hair out.

I roll my eyes as I started to walk to the open door" What is your excuse for looking like a bum then"

I hear the other start to laugh before I walk out the door behind Maddy. I didn't want to go second but seeing as Im Maddy's mate I should be by her side when I'm on her territory.

I am taken back by the many flashes of the camera but try not to let it show as I smile and walk down the steps, careful picking up the front of my dress only high enough for my white lace heels to safely make contact with the next step. At the bottom, I slide my hand around Maddy's waiting arm with the biggest smile, just happy to be off the stairs. She leads me to a waiting limo as the others follow, I hear many people asking me questions but I remember Sarah's words of advice and keep on smiling, and keep on walking.

As soon as the car door shuts I let out a sigh of relief and lean into Maddy" Can we not do that again?"

She kisses my head" I'm sorry baby but that was pretty normal."

Sarah gives me a smile"You will get used to it."

"I hope so, did you hear that one guy asked if I was really was your mate," I said rolling my eyes with a huff.

They laugh as the driver lowers the window that separates the front and the back," We shall be arriving soon you Majesties."

John nods and the window goes back up, Maddy takes this chance to talk" Okay so we will arrive at the Tree of Life, do the ceremony, and then we can dance and drink or whatever you want to do in the town square ." 

Soon after the car comes to a stop and we make our way out as a man starts yelling our name, which I found annoying. I walk at Maddy's side down the blue rug to stand under the huge tree covered in different flowers that is all lit up, strings of the same lights hung all over stores and homes around us making the world around me glow. I took in the buildings around us that were all decorated in flowers of all kinds, even the stone underfoot had flower petals scattered around. Everywhere I looked I saw smiling faces of the towns people, all happily welcoming us as if we were family, which is no surprise. The fairy people are known for their peaceful nature and here in the city, no weapons are permitted to enter. crime of all kinds doesn't happen here, there is no homeless or drug usage, and it was like one big home for everyone.

Maddy lets go of my arm as she steps up to the microphone at the front of the stage. She looked so amazing in her mint green dress that flowed around her with flowers that match mine. Come to think of it we all had the same flower pattern some where on our out fits. Finding Sage with my eyes I see Sage's dress had the flowers on her shoulders where the deep green and gold cape attached to her tan shear material of her shirt. My eyes move over to Sarahs who has the flower on the soft green of her corset that was over a goddess style dress. I scan John and see the military-style he wore had the floral running done the trim where the six buttons were sewn. I took note earlier that the inner lining of the cape that sat on Marcus left shoulder had flowers on it, but now I realize it is the same as ours. I quickly look over Michel and find the fur collar on his vest that had flowers mixed into it. Then I look to Kline to see he had the flowers sewn into the sash that was around his waste. Lastly there was me,I already know the flower I had was attached to the lace on my chest. I had thought it to be a cute addition to my simple dress but now I see it as more now that I know the others match me.

I turn back in to Maddy as she begins to speak"Thank you all for the warm welcome you have shown us. We could not be more happy to be joining the home of the sun here in Canavan. Today we celebrate the suns return as it makes it return back in the sky for the shortest night of the year!" Maddy pauses as the crowd claps." We mark this occasion by adding stars to the sky just like many before us would use stars to write their stories in the sky. Stories of love, stories of family, stories of war, stories of pain. So when old stories die we will continue to make new ones of love, hope, and community. So please join me as we add our stories of this year to the sky."

Maddy holds to finger up to her forehead and a glow emits from her head. As she drags her fingers down her face the glow follows all the way down to her heart. As she points her fingers away from her the light follows out of her chest and presents itself as a orb of light  In the glow I can see images of me, when we first meet, when Marcus faked dropping me, going shopping. It was all things we did together and this has my heart swelling with joy. Fairy will send up memories of the most important things that happened to them from the last year, to see that I was something she never wanted to forget made my heart speed up.

Maddy pushes to orb up and soon after many more follow hers. The crowd is silent as it watched each light find its place amongst the star and as the last star settles in the crowed cheers with excitement. Music starts playing, food and drinks are brought out, people dance and sing. 

Maddy walks back to me and I take her arm again." That was a beautiful speech, Maddy."

"I know you loved it seeing as you over flowing with pink and yellow. The only thing pinker than your energy is your face." Sages comments as she smirks at me.

I tuck myself into Maddy's sides as the others laugh. Maddy leans down to look at my face but I turn away from her.

"Come on Clare I just want to see how red your face is."

As Maddy once again leans down I let go of her arm and grab Michel and start pulling him to the dance floor"Come on lets dance seeing as your not being mean to me."

He nods a follows as the others laugh at us. Michel and I spent some time on the dance floor as he spins me around the dance floor, I giggle and enjoy the night filled with music and food. I even talk to many of the towns people with Michel at my side because he doesn't pick on me and I got to know the people. By the time it was over I was died tired and just wanted to sleep. As we made it back to the plane I flop down in my set next to Maddy and lean my head on her shoulder and closing my eyes.

I feel my dress being lift up and my eyes snap open to see Sage kneeled in front of me sliding my shoes off. Maddy puts her arm around me and I close my eyes once again just wanting to rest for a bit.

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