Home sweet castel

917 39 1

John POV
" When will they be back?" Marcus asks.
Maddy giggles " If you weren't mean you could have gone with her."

Marcus growls causing Maddy to giggle again.

We were in our room relaxing as we waited for Clare, Michel, and Sage to return. Sage had opened mind link for us to see something to stir in all of us. So we gave up on trying to focusing on our work and just decided to relax and wait.

Right then the three walk in all with something in there hands except Clare.
Clare speaks up with a pout " they made the men down stairs help but wouldn't let me."
" We sent her stuff to her room." Sage said.

Clare looked confused " I thought you all shared a room?"

" We do but we also have rooms that are used for our private practice. Mine is a music room, Maddy'a is a private library, and Klines is an art studio. Yours can be what you want it to be, just let us know what you want." I say.

Clarice smile really big " can I have a dance studio?!"
We all laugh as Sarah speaks up" of course my dear"
Clare smile even bigger.

Sarah takes her over to to largest of the beds." This is your bed, when you are comfortable two of us at a time will sleep with you if you want. Until then it's all your."
Clare blushes but nods as she looks at the bed.
Sage cuts in with a smirk" I don't know what your thinking Clare but stop, you energy it telling on you."
Clare blushes" I don't know what your talking about."

Clare unties the back of her boots and slide them off. She climbs  up on the bed and starts jumping with a giggle. This causes us all to laugh at her childish ways. It truly refreshing.
She suddenly flopped down on her bed with a giggle. She scoots off and pats the spot beside her. Sarah smiles as she lays beside her.

Sarah holds Clares hand and we all take in the sight of the two. A wave of peace washed over the group as we watch and wait for Clare to decide what we should do next. It was only 7:30 so we had time for a tour of the room or we can just relax. Whatever she wanted.

She sets up with a smile" can I shower?"

Kline speaks up" sure get your stuff and I will show you the bathroom."
Clare grabbed a small bag" I put my shower stuff and a night gown in its own bag so I didn't have to go through my suit case."
Sarah speaks up" Maddy, Sage, and I can put your clothes in the closet if you want?"

Clare smile but blushes" It you don't mind but Sage isn't helping. I have learned she is perverted."

We all laugh as Sage speaks up" come one I can pick you out a nice set to wear to bed?"

At that Clare hold Klines hand" please take to to shower before I pass out from the heat that just rushed to my face."

We all laugh, even Michel gave a tiny smile. You won't have seen it if your weren't looking.
Kline takes her to the bathroom and Sarah and Maddy grab a suit case.
" I take it you never said anything about you mind linking us?" Marcus asks.

Sage smirks" nope, I figured I tell her when I need to tease her later. She just too damn innocent."

I nod" That she is. Your little secret show earlier made the sexual tension in the office so thick you could cut with a knife."

Sage laughs " yes being near her after that was hard." Michel nods in agreement.

Kline comes out soon after and sets on his bed" No one is controlling themselves when she comes out."

As we look at him weirdly but didn't ask. Ten minutes later Clare walked out and once again sucked all the air from the room. She was in a white nightgown that barely touch mid thigh. It had a deep v- neck line that led to a bow in the middle of her chest. It wasn't see through but due to Clare pale shin you can see where her skin meet her underwear. My wolf scratched to claim her as ours but I didn't dare let him out. He scared her the first time, that's not happening again.

She walks to her bed and sets down. She looks around and finally realized we were staring.
" What's wrong? Is my hair a mess?" Clare pulls her hair over her shoulder and starts running her fingers through it.

Marcus starts to say something by stops when Michel puts his hand on his shoulder. Michel walks over and seats behind Clare. She tries to looks at him but he just turns her back.
He picks up her brush from her side stand and starts to brush her hair. As he works Clare starts to relax at his touch, she soon starts yawning. He puts the brush down and guides her to lean against his chest while still playing with her hair. She being too sleepy to care leans into him. After a couple minutes she is fast asleep on him. He simple pulls the blankets back and place her in her bed. We all decided it was time to sleep so we also start changing for bed and getting into the blankets, that if not before walking over and give Clare a kiss on the head.

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