My Family Tree

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Clares POV
"Anything you need help with?"
I ask as I step into the kitchen. Sage's mom came up to start dinner. I felt bad she had done all the cooking so I came to help.

Sage's mom smiles at me" I would love some help, why don't you put on some music and wash your hands?"
I smile and do as she says. I put on a song called Self-care, I heard it on TikTok and fell in love, then washed my hands.

Sage's mom smiles and hands me an apron," I like your taste in music."

I smile" Music is powerful, it can completely change your mood if you let it."
She nods and hands me a knife and a bowl full of fruit.
I take to my task while humming along to the song. It was relaxing and reminded me of being with Mama. Both my mama and Dakotas. My thoughts drift back to my mama. I don't think of her much anymore. I am so caught up with my mates that I feel no need to reminisce about the past. I wounded what she would think of all of this, all that I had done.
" What is on your brain young one?" Sage's mom bumps shoulders with me.
I snap out of thought and give a small smile.
" Oh no, I can see the blue around you, what brings in the clouds my dear?"
Her daughter was just like her, very wise and very pushy.

" You just remind me of my mom is all," I say as I wipe my hands on my apron.

" I thought you didn't know your parents?" She has her full attention on me as she leans back on the bar.
I take a deep breath as I prepare myself for the long, complicated story.

" I didn't know my birth father. He was killed by a gang late one night when he was on his way home. He had borrowed money from this gang when he found out my mother was pregnant with me. He was a human and no one wanted to hire him. So he bounced from one under-the-table job to another. My mother made it work, she survived the best she could. But then the gang leader showed up again when I was three. Saying since my father couldn't pay his debt from the grave my mother would have to pay for him. When she told him she had no money to give he raped her. She fell pregnant and when the gang leader found out he was glad to have an heir. So he told my mother she had to kill me and stay with him or he will kill me and lock her away. My mother couldn't so she left me in an orphanage. My mother came to the orphanage a couple of years later to volunteer. I didn't remember her, I just knew she was kind to me. She would always show me so much love, I felt like her favorite and even believed she would adopt me one day. But instead one day she quit coming." My throat was tight but I didn't stop. I felt like someone needed to know the full truth about me right now Sage's mom was safe.

"When I was 14 I was granted legal independence and I started looking into her, I found out from the orphanage that she was my mother, the owner had seen her walk up the steps and leave me that day. I got some information from her volunteer paperwork and found out she was found dead when the cops took the gang leader into custody."
I say nothing as I finish the fruit. Putting it in a clean white bowl and giving it a toss to mix it up. Suddenly I felt two pairs of arms on me, embracing me tightly. I look at each side to find Sage and her mom holding me like I was about to fall apart.

" Sage?"
The pull back and Sage gives me a sad smile. She looks to her mom" I am taking her for a moment"
Before I could protest Safe has me in her arms and walked upstairs.

She struts into our room and flops down on the bed with me in her lap. I am straddling her with my arms around her neck as she holds my waist. I go to speak but was cut off as she plants feather-like kisses around my face, holding on for dear life.

"Sage...what's wrong"

She rubs her nose over my neck" I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I come to check on you and heard what you said."
I say nothing as she continues to console me. She was treating me differently, she saw me as fragile. I didn't want her to see me any differently. This didn't change who I was

" I'm not broken, Sage." My voice was soft. I didn't need her thinking I was weak.

She pulls away looking at me with a frown. With a quick movement, she had me on my back as one hand cupped my head and the other pushes my hips down to the bed.

I look up at her shocked, her hair hung around her face casting shadows on her stern look. Her eye locked with mine as I watched the many emotions pass over her eyes.

" Listen closely my little mate, I do not nor have I ever thought you are broken. When I look at you all I see is pure and unwavering strength and one of the purest of hearts."

I say nothing for a second as I take in her words. " I didn't want you guys to treat me differently..."
She stares for a moment before asking" Would you like to know how I want to treat you?"
The question caught me off guard but I slowly nod my head.

She brings her mouth dangerously close to mine" I want to strip you bare, tie you to this bed, and pleasure you until you have no energy left in your body. I want to hold you in my lap as I leave hickeys all over your neck as your grind into me. I want to get on my knees right now to taste you. I want to treat you like my slave in the bedroom but like the Queen you are in public because no one but your mates get to see you looking disoriented and flustered. That is all ours"

She turned my head to the side and pushed my hair out of the way. I feel her nibble and suck on the spot behind my ear. I suck in a breath and arch my chest into her. I grip the sheets beside my head only to have
Sage removes my hands and places them around her neck" Hold on to me"

She goes back to attacking my neck as I ball my fist up against her back. First, it was Maddy driving me crazy and now it's Sage. I can't help but slip deeper into my dirty thoughts, wanting her to kiss me more.

She pulls away and stares down at me" I want you, more than anything. Because of how strong and kind you are. That will never change.
I take a couple of deep breaths, I can't keep up with them.

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