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Marcus POV
Clare and Sarah walks into the closet as I pull on my shoes. Now that Clare has become more comfortable with us she has started walking around in her towel and we had gone back to comfortable nudity.  Clare holds her towel as she digs around her part of the closet . I watch her quietly, watching how her hair hangs around her.

I fight the feeling of wanting to pull her into me and kiss her all over. How sweet she must taste.
'I will slip out and you guys can have some alone time. Try being sweet.'

Sarah give me a sympathetic smile as she takes her clothes out to the bed room. I know they were all aware of that fact I want so badly to have the same connection with Clare as they do. John and I are the only ones who have yet to kiss her let alone shower with her like Sarah or sleep in the same bed like Michael. I know it's kinda our faults, John works a lot and I end up teasing her so much she runs to Michael. I walk behind Clare and wrap my arms around her, just be gentle, just be kind. Even when she makes me want to tie her to the bed.

She leans into my chest and looks up at me with a smile.
I give a small smile" Need help?"
" Are you offering to help me? What's the catch?"
I frown and hold back the grown of annoyance. Be kind and gentle.

" I can be nice sometimes you know."

Clare's eyebrows shoot up" okay who are you really? Cause my Marcus doesn't even know what nice means"

The growl slips out and I hold her a little tighter. Her Marcus, she is claiming me.

I lean down so my lips were closes to hers" Well your Marcus is trying to be nice so he can love on his Clare."
Clares smile widens" So no pranks?
I shack my head.
"No chasing?"
I smile but none the less shack my head.
" No teasing?"
My thoughts turn to a picture of Clare holding my hair with my head between her thighs teasing her relentlessly.
" Well maybe a little teasing "
My voice deepens as I smirk down to her.
Her cheeks reden and she smacks my chest lightly" You know what I mean."

I laugh at how cute Clare is with red cheeks" Yes my love, I will been good if you let me take care of you today."

" Okay we will call a truss for now."
I chuckle but smile as I realize this has been the longest she let me hold her.

Clare looks back to the closet" what should I wear?"
I look over all her clothes and shrug" I don't know, Maddy normally tells me if I look alright or not."

Clare pulls away to my dismay and turns to look at my outfit. My green shirt had the sleeves rolled up and stood out from the white short I had on.

Clare smiles and turns back to her clothes to pull out a white tank top and a green skirt with attached shorts. I look over the outfit as she held it to show me before looking at her smiling face again." So we match. It would be cute."

I smile at her shyness. She clearly wanted to but didn't know if I would be okay with it. I take the clothes and take them off the hanger as she grabs underwear, which I take from her too. She looks at me weirdly but says nothing as I hook my finger into her towel. I pull it from her and let it land around her feet. Clares body slightly folds in in a self conscious manner. I could tell she was struggling with herself.

I smiles and run my hand over her collar bone and to her shoulder" You are so beautiful Clare."
Her cheeks deepen as she looks at me quietly.

My hand slides down her arm as I lift her hand to my lips. I lightly kiss it before helping her into her outfit. She did her hair and we made our way out to meet the others. We decide to go to the near by island to look around the market. Clare stayed by my sides holding onto my hand. I felt our mate bound strength and it calmed my worries. The other followed Sarah's lead and let Clare have some time with me, something I am very grateful for.

Clare was excited as she pulls me around the market. She teased me lightly here and there and I couldn't help but do the same but over all it was calming. As we walked through the stalls music gets louder and I watch as Clare smiles and pulls me through the crowd. We watch as the performers played loudly as one of the men dance around the circle randomly grabbing offered cash as he goes. As he comes around to us he gives a bow before smiling at Clare. His smile makes me want to punch him.

" I hope you enjoy the show my Queen."
Clare gives him a smile back" I am, I love the rhythm of the music."

The man smiles " Would you like to give it a try? I can teach you some moves."
Clare chuckles with a clear challenge in her voice " I might teach you something."

Clare hands me her bag and struts into the circle with a new found energy. She was confident and proud.

" Introducing Your Queen Clarice!" The man shouts and gets everyone attention. They cheer as the watch Clare smile as she gives a wave to the crowd. She looked comfortable right now, it only reminds me that we took her from her home and throw her into a whole new world.

I watch as a new found sensual energy flowed from her as she rolls her hips, folds over, and slowly comes back up. She dances on as as the crowd goes wild for her. The arousal of her mates clearly in the air. This was a whole new side to her, and confident and sexual side that just made it even harder to go slow.

The smile on her was bright and her eyes sparked with joy as she swings around. Her curls bounced around her, making each movement even more dramatic. Her hands slide over her body in a way I wish mine could before she decided she is finished. The crowd cheers and Clare bows before walking back over to us.
Maddy pounces on her" Oh my goddess! I didn't know you could dance like that!"

Clare giggles" There is a lot you don't know about me, it's apart of the adventures."

The man comes over as the crowd clears a little" My Queen, I must thank you. This is the most I have ever made. You do not know what this means to me."
I hold back a growl as I watch him take her hand in his and touch it to his forehead as he bows.

Clare smiles back to him" I should be thank you, I had a lot of fun. You are very talented."

The man shacks his head as he smile" We welcome you to our home my Queen. If you need anything let us know."
The man bows once more and walks back to the group of people that had been playing the music.
I pull Clare into my side as we walk through the shops once more. I slow down and let some space form between us and the others. Clare too busy looking around doesn't notice.

As we come to an alley I pull Clare in pinning her to the wall. Her soft eyes drift up to me as I press my hand into her hip.

I hold her chin as I let me voice dip down" do you know how badly I wanted to cover you from all those eyes, to take you home, strip you, and watch you dance for just me?"

I hear her suck in a breath as her hand grip onto my shirt. I lean closer to her lips but pause just before they touch" if you don't want this tell me now. My control is slipping for you baby girl."
She takes me off guard as she stands on her tippy toes to press her lips to mine in a slow but heavy kiss. I respond by matching her energy and pressing her harder into the wall. I pull away and see her smiling at me, lips red from the pressure our kiss. I rub her cheek with my thumb and kiss her forehead before pulling her back out to find the other.

Little Queenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن