Meeting Col

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John POV

At 5:30 my alarm goes off making me roll over and run a hand down my face. I pick up my phone to turn off my alarm and check the news, nothing catches my eye so I just decide to get my day started.

As I walk into the closet I take note of Care absence as usual, but this time Sarah is still asleep in her bed with a pillow in her arms where Clare once laid. This fact has me chuckling to myself as I find some black Basketball short and a black tanktop.

I feel my wolf run wild at the thought of getting to meet our mate face to face. Though we are one in body, werewwolfs are not one in mind. If they were they would be murderous and completely unpredictable. The only werewolves that are completely one with their wolves are called rougers.

So this means that my wolf has been setting in the back of my mind watching our little mate, wanting nothing more the have some time with her. Today I decided it was a good time for them to formally meet, the weather was nice and I have no work today.

I finish getting ready as Sarah and Michel walk in to get started getting their things." I saw Clare escaped you this morning."

Sarah sighs and nod"Yes but I know that she must continue her schuldule so I understand, I just wish we could have woke up together."

I nod in understanding, I would want the same thing. I walk out to see Sage scrolling through her phone and Marcus snatching the blackets off Maddy" Women it time to get up." Maddy responds by waving him off with a groan.

I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb through my hair. Sarah walks in and starts the shower as I walk out and set on my bed to wait for Clare to get back. I watch as Maddy finally get Kline out of bed and can't help but chuckle his messy hair. Soon Clare walks in the room with soft yellow leggings and matching sports bra on, her long flame like hair twisted down her back into two braids. She smile while saying a good morning and making her way to the closest. I soon follow her and find her looking through her over flowing closet.

Not noticing me I hear her talk to her self flipping through her clothes" this was much easier when I had less clothes."

I can't help but chuckle at the adorable pout on her soft peachy lips, she always took my breath away. I walk up behind her  and put my hand on her hips and pull her into my chest. She lifts her chin to look straight up at me with a confused look,

"Would you like some help my love."

She silently nods as her eyes never leave mine  as her small hands are placed over my own. Every touch has sparks soring up my body making my wolf go crazy. I nod as I look around the closet to find something suitable to be out in the woods. I grab a overall dress made of denim material that is tight on the top and kinda flares out at the bottom, to go with it I grab a forest green collared shirt. I hand them to her and tell her to put shorts underneath and wear running shoes. I watch as she grabs her things and we walk out together. As normal she walks in the bathroom and tells Sarah good morning, she has gotten more comfortable with this encounter seeing as it was something that happens daily now. Not to long later the two come out together both dressed and ready to go. We all make our way down stairs together, Clare at my side holding tight to my hand. Everything went like any normal day from there, we all ate breakfast, went over the agenda and soon separated to our own task.

Clare and I walk out the back door to the private garden where the gardeners where hard at work keeping up with the flowers. We walk to the edge of the garden that looks out to the woods. I pull Clare a stop causing her to look up at me in confusion.

" Do you trust me Clarice?" I stare at her with hope, the last thing I wish to do is scare her again. I was so nervous about today. I can't handle her running from me again.

She looked at me like I grew two heads"Well, of course I do or I won't still be here."

I let out a sign" If it's alright I would like to carry you out to the clearing, It's a bit of a walk so it would be faster if I ran."

She nods and raises her arms up to me to pick her up. I lift her up and over my shoulder so she is on my back. Her little arm hold tight onto my shoulders as my hands hook on to her thighs to hold her up.  Once I feel like she's in a safe position I take off at full speed. The wind flies past my face as I hear my little mate giggling as she enjoyed the ride. My wolf howls at the fact that she is having fun, he just want to make her happy.

We come to the clearing and I squat down to let Clare slide off my back. I stand up and face her to see her wild curlies fluffed up. I chuckle and flatten them a bit" I would like you to meet my wolf, Col. But to do that I need to strip so if you want you can watch or cover your eyes, whatever you feel comfortable with."

I watch as a pinkish shade lights up her face as she nods and closes her eyes, her hand fittled with the hem of her shirt feeling nervous. I pull my clothes off and let my wolf take over as I take the back seat and watch how the interact,

I watch as he rubs his noses against her cheek trying to get Clare to open her eyes. Her eyes flutter open and a gasp leaves her mouth as she looks a Cols massive form setting in front of her. I watch nervously as I wait for some sort of reaction.

Slowly her hand come up to rub the fur on Cols chest" Your Johns wolf right" It came off more of a statement then a question but Col still nodded.

She just continues to pet Col as she looks over him." Do you have a name?"

I mindlink her to help them communicate" Col."

He eye look up to meet Cols eyes" Col is your name?"

Cols' tail starts to wag as it hits the ground with a thump. This causes Clare to giggle and she steps closer to Col. She hugs his large body and rubs her cheek against his chest" You soo soft, I could cuddle you all day."

I feel Cols' happiness rise as his tale hit harder off the ground. He flopps on his back as he began pants and looks up at her. Clare giggles and climbs up onto his chest and lays down on him.She ran her hands through his black fur, slowly just enjoying it's softness.

"So you have been watching me through Johns eyes huh."

Col  gives a nod with out looking at Clare, not wanting to move and her to slide off.

"The same way John is watching me through your eyes now?"Clare slides down Cols ribs causing a whimper to leave Cols mouth.

As he rolls to his side Clare walks closer to his face and lays her hand on his snout.
" I glad to have more people looking over me"
I feel my heart throb at her words and decided I needed control back.
I push my wild wolf back much to his dismay and transform back.
Clare shocked by my sudden change takes a step back but as soon as I am in human form I grab her and pick her up to me level with my face. I nuzzle my nose into her hair as I let out a sign.
" You can't imagine how happy you make me Clare."
She is still for a moment but soon runs her hand along my cheek. " You make me happy as well John."

She leans back lightly to look at me with a smile that soon turns into a look of embarrassment" John, can you put on some clothes."
I let out as laugh as my head falls backwards. She truly is innocent.

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