Sun Tans

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Clare POV
I hold on to Klines arm as he walks us out into the water. The waves were light but I still didn't want to get pulled away. He finds a good place where waves weren't pushing us around. I try to touch the bottom and am suddenly reminded about our size difference. I can't feel the sand between my toes even as I let myself sink a little. I hold tighter to his arm cause him to chuckle. His face gets peachy as he pulls me in front of him and holds onto my waist. I let go if his arm, tucking my arms around his neck and bring my legs around his torso.
I give a soft smile up to him" Thank you, I'm not that strong of a swimmer. The waves throw me off."
He gives me one of his boyish laughs and I fill my brain fuzz at the sight. I take in his cute smile and how he looks older with his hair swept back. The droplets of water drug down his skin sent thought that were not appropriate to my brain.

Kline's browns frown as he sees me staring. My face heats from being caught so I look out across the water. It was beyond beautiful here, I see why they loved it.

" You look beautiful right now" Kline's voice was slightly deeper than before.

I look back to him" thank you."

I feel his arms tighten around me as I lay my head on his chest and let him hold me. We stayed that way for a while before Sage mind links me to remind me that I need to reapply sunscreen. Curse my sensitive skin. Kline says nothing and just walks back the the shore, letting me down as soon as my feet would be able to touch. His hand holds mine as we as walk to our chairs. My mates and their parents are lounging around the beach with the exception of the men hanging around the bar. Kline picks up my towel and starts to dry my hair lightly.

" What do you think?" Maddy's mom asks setting her book down beside her.

" I think I would have drifted away if I let go of him. And sand gets everywhere" I say with a smile.
She gives a heart warming smile.

Kline sprays me with with sunscreen that smelt strong. My nose crinkles as I look away from the spray causing the ladies to laugh.
Marcus's mom sets her now empty cup on the table" Kline dear, can you get us another round of drinks please?"

Kline smiles and walks away as I set down on my chair. I just now noticed Marcus laying back in the chair beside mine. His eyes close and breath even, he was asleep. I stare for a minute taking in his muscular body. I haven't noticed before how handsome he is but he seemed more mature in this moment.

I blush and pull my eyes away from him. No way I'm getting caught checking out Marcus, his ego is big enough. Embarrassed by my own thoughts I decide to mess with him. I walk down closer to the water and look for shells, the biggest ones I can find, then bring them back to the chairs. The ladies watch me with curiosity as I walk quietly over to Marcus, they giggle quietly as I lay them on his chest. I stand and brush the sand off my hands as Kline comes back with their drinks he smiles and shacks his head. He hands out the drinks and then sets down in my chair.
" You know the whole seashell bra is a myth right?" Kline says with a smile.
I giggle as I replied " So is Marcus being manly."
They all laugh at us.
" You and Marcus get along very well" his mother says.
I nod with a big smile" He picks on me a lot but it helps a lot when I was just introduced to the castle. Suddenly I was someone important, people didn't treat me the same. I had so many expectations out of no where. My next meal was suddenly not my top priority. But I never felt like I was different with my mates. I was just me, and it was nice."
They smile at me as I blush under my mates happy stares. I pull my hair around me as I set at the foot of my chair that Kline stole. I braid my hair to the side as I continue.
" Even though I know he is just being himself it makes me feel more at home."

"That is so good to hear, we hear lots of stories and I didn't want them to come off the wrong way. He really does love you." Sages mom says. My cheeks reden at the use of the L word. Not quite ready to use it.
I smile and dismiss myself to get a drink. I walk up to the bar area where the guys stood talking business and sports. I step close to Michael and ask the man behind the bar for something non-alcoholic. He nods and gets to work on my drink, soon handing over a red juice in a glass.
I sip it as I lay my head on Michaels arm as I listen to James and his father talk back and forth about business deals and partners.
I listen for a while longer before I hear Marcus yell my name. I look back to see him staring daggers at me, shell tan spots visible on his chest. We all burst out laughing at he stomps his way over to me. I tuck myself in Michael arms quietly sipping my drink with a smile.

" Good afternoon sleeping beauty, how was your nap?"
He growls" How did I know you will be with Michael?"
My smile widens" you look different, did you change you hair?"
He goes to grab me but Michael just pushes his hand away.
" you can't protect her from all of the consequences!" Marcus looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel.

Micheal shrugs and kisses my head as his says a gruff"good girl"
I buzz with the praise, suddenly very hot, very sensitive to his touch. My mind buzzes with dirty thoughts but I push it aside and focus on Marcus again. I note that everyone is also very much shocked that Michael spoke but say nothing.

Marcus eyes goes wide" Are you praising her for this." He motions to his chest.
Michael nods.

Marcus growls before bending down to be face to face with me. As he open his mouth to speak, I kiss the tip of his nose. I hear his breath hitches as he stops speaking and just closes his mouth ones more.

He looks at me, ear clearly red. I just giggle at his reaction and slide out of Michaels arms and back to Kline who was still in my chair. I set between his legs and lean my back against his chest.
I was very content with the day as Kline holds me close to him.

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