Chapter 2

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This is frustrating. I don't know what to write, my imagination is not existing right now...


Dreams POV:

I watched the lava go down and Sam stood on the other side with Quackity. "Hello Dream, long time no see. How is it going" He smiled at me, I didn't smile back, and didn't answer either. He wasn't wearing his armor, but I know that he has it in his inventory. Sam, on the other hand, was wearing full enchanted netherite armor. I sighed, "What do you want Quackity?" I asked tired.

"I just wanted to check up on a old friend" He smiled at me, and not the friendly type of smile. "We are NOT friends" I didn't want him to use that word, "After all you have done to me I don't think that friend is the correct word in this situation". "Sam, do you mind me talking alone with this man" Quackity asked Sam before he turned back and looked me in the eyes. "Aww, poor little Dream, has the time in here drove you crazy, don't you remember the good friendship we have" i was sick of him "I don't want you to be here, can you go" I asked in the most polite way i could considering who was standing in front of me. "I don't think so" Quackity said while Sam activated the bridge and walked away, leaving me and Quackity alone. 'He didn't put the lava back? He never forget that, what is going on' my mind was calculating every situation that could happened, this could be my opportunity to escape.

Quackity came over to me. "Hello" He said as walked over to my pile of potatoes. "You have a lot of food I see, can I take some, I am starting to get hungry." He asked and grabbed a potato and took a bite before I had time to react. "No, you have your own food." I locked the other potatoes in my chest. "Don't be so rude to an old friend" he looked sad at me but i know it just was acting, he didn't actually care about whether he was hungry or not as long as my life was pure torture. "How many times need i to say it before you understand. I. Am. Not. Your. Friend." I was starting to get really annoyed. "Oh, you prefer villain instead?" He asked, like he didn't say what he wanted to. "Just go" i sat down and just looked up on the clock. "Are you lonely here? No one has visited you in months, aren't you glad someone still remembers you?" He looked down at me and smiled.

Suddenly i get up and punched him, making him almost stumble into the lava. "Don't you understand, just go!" I yelled and wiped away the tear that ran down my face. "Is it this way you want it? Fine" The anger in his voice increased. I sighed and walked over to my little hole of water and tried to ignore him.

3rd persons POV:

Quackity quickly puts on his armor and before Dream has time to react, Quackity has pushed Dream's legs away and he falls with his face first down to the floor. You could hear Dream's nose crack when he hits the ground. Dream slowly got up and looked at Quackity with a horrified twinkle in his eyes. "You will never get anything from me, why are you even here?" "Oh, poor Dream" Quackity had fake pity in his voice. "I just want the revive book, nothing more, just a little book" He smiled at Dream. "If its just a book then why it is so important for you" Dream asked while was wiping the blood away from his nose. "You know as well as i do how much power the book contains" Quackity went over to the chest with books and the few potatoes Dream had left. "Do you really think that i have the book in there? You will never get it" Dream was about to let out a small laugh when Quackity picked up the few potatoes and threw all of them into the lava.

"You-you bastard, that was my last amount of food" Dreams voice was trembling but Quackity was just laughing at him, "do you want go give me the book now, I don't think that you can survive much longer without food" he's voice was filled with laughter and superiority "Sam, will always fix more, he don't want me to die" Dream tried to keep some dignity in his voice, but you could here the uncertainty and his nervous tone. "you don't think Sam would unfortunately forget about you for a while". "The other people would never let me die, Sapnap, George, Bad, they wouldn't-" Dream said in frustration before Quackity interrupted him "Do you actually think that they care about you, you are the villain Dream, a murder, a tyrant. No one will care about you again. NO one" Quackity said whit that convinced voice. "No, no. I can't" Dream fell down to his knees and looked at his bloody hands. "I'm not a tyrant, i just want peace" he mumbled to himself.

"You are and always will be" Quackity pressed his sword towards Dreams back. "Just give me the book and then i can let the pain go away, you might not be remembered as a hero, but it's the best offer i can give you" Quackity said and a small amount of pity appeared in his voice. "You will never get anything from me" Dream just finished the sentence before Quackity's sword was pushed into his back and you could hear the terrible screams that came out of Dream's mouth when he fell onto the ground and was laying and choking blood. "The book?" Quackity asked. Dream didn't answer and just wiped some of the blood away from his mouth, but there was still something there. "ANSWER!" Quackity Yelled and kicked Dream on the side of his stomach.

With the small amount of power he had left, Dream grabbed Quackity's legs and pulled them away so he fell and hit his head on the obsidian floor. Dream quickly grabbed his axe and swung it onto his shoulder, Quackity screamed and jumped up on his feet and swung his sword at Dream who luckily dodged it and tried to push Quackity into the lava. The fight was going on for around three minutes and no one of them got an actual hit  before Quackity swung his sword and it goes right into Dreams sided and made a cut around 7 centimetres deep. Dream choked and with his last ounce of energy he made a final jolt and pushed Quackity, who 'tragically' fell into the Lava.

"Quackity tried to swim in lava to escape Dream"  (L-Imaginee)~Beloved Editor

Dream fell to the floor and everything turned black.


Okay so, this is two chapters on one day. I will not say it's good, but i have to write something though.

I know the ending is really weird, but live with it (:

1164 words

I hope it was a little entertaining at least...

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