Chapter 55

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New chapter c:


3rd Persons pov:

Karl saw the death message popping up in chat. Techno had killed Sapnap and for once, he didn't think it was the worst thing ever. He knew what Sapnap had done, maybe not all of it, but after seeing him torture Tubbo, Karl knew what he was capable off.

But no matter what, Sapnap was still one of his best friends, or he was.

But now, in that moment, Karl felt a mix of conflicting emotions. Part of him felt a sense of relief that Sapnap wouldn't be able to harm anyone else, while another part mourned the loss of their friendship. Karl realized that sometimes, the actions of those we care about can reveal a side of them we never knew existed. As he processed these complex emotions, he couldn't help but wonder if there was a chance for redemption, or if their friendship was forever lost.

So since he was now on his final life, Karl decided that he deserved a visit. Recovering from canon deaths was hard and maybe, maybe Karl could help Sapnap see that Dream didn't deserve everything that had happened. That Pandora was enough, he could be left alone from now on.

So he brushed some dust off his hoodie, placed the book down and stood up. Putting on some better boots and walking out of his library, starting the walk towards his house. It wasn't far away, they were fiancés back then, bittersweet.

He stopped outside Sapnap's door, knocking carefully before opening it, walking inside and looking around. The whole house was a mess, things thrown around and completely out of place.

Karl's heart sank as he surveyed the chaotic state of Sapnap's house. It mirrored the turmoil that had engulfed their friendship. The sight of the disarray reminded him of the damage that had been done, both physically and emotionally.

With a heavy sigh, Karl cautiously stepped further into the disheveled space. He noticed broken items, shattered glass, and remnants of their shared memories scattered across the floor. It was a stark contrast to the joyful moments they had once experienced within these walls.

As Karl made his way through the cluttered rooms, his mind filled with memories of their past. Laughter echoed in his ears, juxtaposed against the somber reality of the present. The weight of the situation settled upon him, realizing that repairing their friendship would require more than a simple conversation.

He began to clean up the mess, picking up the broken pieces and carefully placing them aside. Each item he salvaged felt like a small step towards rebuilding not only the physical order but also the fractured bond they once had. It was a laborious task, symbolic of the effort and patience required to mend what had been broken.

As Karl worked, he thought about the complexities of their relationship. He recognized that forgiveness couldn't be granted overnight, and trust couldn't be easily restored. It would take time, understanding, and a willingness to face the past head-on.

Hours turned into minutes as Karl continued to tidy up, lost in his thoughts. The silence of the house was interrupted only by the sound of his movements and the soft hum of memories that lingered in the air. Eventually, the mess began to diminish, and a sense of calm started to settle within him.

With the house in a more presentable state, Karl took a moment to breathe and prepare himself emotionally. He knew that the next step was to have an open and honest conversation with Sapnap, to lay bare their feelings and confront the truth.

He took a step into the one room he had yet to touch, and opened the door.

Karl took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. He quietly approached Sapnap's sleeping form, his friend's face relaxed in slumber. Memories of their laughter and shared adventures flooded Karl's mind, reminding him of the bond they once had.

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