Chapter 25

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Phil pov:

"Techno, I have made some food. Do you want some?" I knocked at the door of his room. "No, just go." He answered with a raspy voice, almost whispering. He didn't have enough voice to talk normally, and screaming was not an option. "It's potatoes." I tried to get him out of the room. He had locked himself inside there since Dream's death and when he came out he had been inside there for almost four days and he hadn't even looked at food. I know he is a grown man and should be able to take care of himself, but in the state he was in he didn't think of his own needs.

I walked inside there the day after he had locked himself in. He just sat beside the bed. Dream had got the bed and was laying there almost like he was asleep, but he wasn't, and his skin was almost white and his hands were lifeless and cold, but Techno held still on to them. The most gentle touch I have ever seen him use, the man was broken.

He sat beside the bed for days, refusing to eat, refusing to sleep, refusing to close his eyes. He was just sitting on the floor and stroking his lover's hand, dragging his hand through his messy hair and following the lines of his face until he touched the lips, and the one so strong blood god broke down in tears and started sobbing and giving away his love for the man between his screams of help.

And when he saw me with food, he growled and pushed me out of the door, and I didn't bother him anymore, I tried to get him to eat, but I think I should give that up soon. He just needs some time and then we can make a gravestone and maybe Techno can go back to his peaceful lifestyle, like Dream wanted him too. If he is able to move on...

3rd person pov:

Technoblade screamed, shook his head and screamed again, and again, and again, until his voice got raspy and he wasn't able to scream anymore, but he still screamed, throwing his head back and screaming, shouting out his pain, crying buckets full of tears, and when his tears stopped coming, he still cried, but silence. And after this had gone on for hours, he broke down into sobs and laid his head on his lover's chest, tightening his grip on the boy's hands and sobbing for hours, and when he was done with that, he just sat up and started on the boy, stroking his hand through his hair over and over again. Following the path of freckles over his face, the hours had gone by and his hand touched the lips of the boy, and the circle started over again.

And this was the only thing the man had been doing the last few days. Murmuring the death of his lover, even if neither of them had told each other, everybody could see that Technoblade loved Dream, and we know that Dream loved Techno. And maybe they never would tell each other it. Maybe no one would ever know what they felt for each other, maybe themself would never know. But they loved each other, and they would until they both died.

And maybe that wouldn't take a long time. One of them was killed by the hand of his best friend, and the other was broken down and was about to forget himself in the amount of pain his heart and mind were in. After stopping eating and stopping sleeping, breathing will come, won't it? 

Back to the smp

"Everyone ready?" Tommy shouted, looking at the five boys in front of him, his smile big and confident. His voice was full of courage and excitement.

"Let's go" Everyone except George shouted back at Tommy, the boy just stood there, whit puffy and red eyes, it looked like he had cried for just minutes ago, he looked down at not up and in front of him like the rest of the guys there. And when Sapnap had asked him if he was okay he had just answered whit a simple "yes", but he wasn't okay, he was filled whit guilt, the boy that used to smile and laugh was broken, the death of his friend broke him and made him a shell of what he was.

The boy that smiled now cried, his laughter was replaced with whimpers, and his excitement for everything was now just a dull feeling. His body didn't want to do things, it just wanted to sleep, to escape, but the boy wasn't able to sleep, he wasn't able to do anything else than suffer, slowly breaking himself down, and he was hanging from a thread. No one knew it, not even the broken boy, but he was about to lose his mind, to lose himself, and that would never be able to recover from.

"You all know the plan?" Sapnap asked one last time and was meted by a clear yes from Sam and an Impatient yes by complaining from Quackety who clearly wanted to start, they all wanted to kill Dream, or dove of them did, but one of them was so impatient that he almost forgot too meet up whit the others, his mind was just set on one man, one Tyran, one goal. To kill a man that was already dead, that had already been killed, but not whit excitement, but guilt. Tears and pain.

The army of six people climbed up on the horses and smiled at each other; one fake smile, two real ones, and three smirkings of evilness. 

It had been five days since the admin of the server had gone away, and no one except Techno, Phil, and George knew about it. Until the nightfall. And some of them had to make decisions, some for the better and some...for the worse.


This was another very short chapter, but I wrote both this and the last in a short amount of time and yeah...

1026 words. 

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