Chapter 52

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New chapter, and there's almost no angst and such this time.

It's fluff, right?

But you won't be hearing from George? I wonder if he's alive.


3rd persons pov:

Dream was dying. That was the only thing that was clear to all of them.

Dream was dying, and they didn't know what to do to stop it.

Techno had tried everything he could remember, it had been so much easier when he rescued Dream from prison. He wanted to get better back then, but now?

He had already ended his life one time, but Techno wasn't so sure that he wouldn't try again.

He knew Dream before prison, but he doesn't think he recognizes the Dream laying in his bedroom bed because he has changed so much.

It was like all the life was sucked out of him. The pillars that once held him up have crumbled; it went from being one of the most beautiful palaces to ancient ruins, and Techno doesn't know if they'll ever be able to build them up again.

There was a knock on the door, and Techno quickly went to answer it. He found himself relieved when he saw that it was just Niki.

"Hey, I know you're going through a tough time, but I wanted to come by and check in on you," she said with genuine concern in her voice. "I also brought over some of my grandmother's peach cobbler; she always made it for me when I was upset."

Niki entered without waiting for an invitation and placed the dish on the kitchen counter before sitting down at the table. Techno joined her reluctantly, not really feeling up to talking. "How is Dream doing?" Faith asked after a long moment of silence.

Techno took a deep breath before answering as honestly as possible, "Not good... We don't know how to help him... He's dying, Niki."

Niki's mouth dropped open, and she stared at Techno in disbelief, asking, "What do you mean he's dying? There has to be something we can do!"

"I want to do something, God, I want to help him so much, but I just don't know how... I just... I don't know what to do."

Niki watched Techno think helplessly, wishing there was something she could say or do to help. Finally, she got up from her seat and walked over to hug Techno. "I'm sorry... I know this is hard. But we will figure it out; we will save him."

"But how?"

"You can start by explaining everything to me, like, everything. From why you broke him out of prison to why I swear I saw him die, and it was cannon, to why you think he's dying now," he says.

Techno sighs and begins to recount the tale. It all starts with their plan to break Dream out of prison since they knew he'd be tortured there after spending time there. They were successful in freeing him, and he acted fine. He was hurt, sad, and terrified, but he wasn't broken. They healed him, and things were going great.

Of course they got a visit from Tommy, Sapnap, Quackity, Sam, George, and Ponk, but things went fine. That changed the night he committed suicide. And Techno starts to explain the letter Dream had written; he tells about how he and Phil did everything they could to revive him, which they did. He came back, and they thought things would be better from there, but gosh, they were wrong.

They had revived him, but the hunters came back, and Techno started explaining how George got dragged into the mess and where he now was, with Sapnap. Not knowing if he was alive or not, there were no death messages, but you never knew; there were ways to hide them.

The New StartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora